Past Catch Up

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It had been a few days since we found Andrea. All she does is sit in the corner of another cabin we found and shiver. I have nothing to do. The last time I was out of this place was when we found her. Michonne won't let me out ever though I'm perfectly fine.

"A-Andrea?" I say not knowing if she is awake. "Yes?" She replies.

"What all happened?"

She sighed and said "walkers attached us in the mountains. Rick came in with a lot of guns and saved us. W-we eventually had to move. We when to a place called the CDC, they were supposed to be making a cure. That was a bust."

"That sucks" I said with a chuckle

"Ya" she laughed back, and continued "b-but when we left we lost Sophia. When we were out looking for her Carl got shot on a hunting accident-"

"Oh my god! Is he ok?!?!!" I yelled cutting her off. She nodded in reply.

"Ya, the guy that shot him, he was living on a farm and the owner, he was a vet... f-for animals. But he still saved him. Shane and Ottis, the guy that shot Carl. They went to get some supplies to help him. Ottis died."

"Just like everyone else" I added

"Ya... we soon Learned that Hershel. Th-the guy who owned the farm he had a bunch of walkers in his barn. He thought they were just sick... Shane went crazy, Dale Got eaten by a walker...  Carl got better and he was eventually walking around. Shane h-he let the walkers out of the barn. He turned into a Total dick. we found out that Sophia was in the barn... as a walker. Sorry, I know she was your friend."

A tear started to fall down my face "continue" I whispered.  And she did "when we were killing all the walker in the barn... the... the gunshots they attached walker. A big herd. Rick and Carl, they set the barn on fire. That killed about half of them. But we had to flee. Everyone went off in cars without me. I was stuck to defend myself... a-and y-you knows what
h-happened from there." She studded."

After winter

Andrea has her strength back. And we had to keep moving we saw smoke in the woods. People got there before we did. It was Merle's group. Ya, I know Merle was alive. But he was still the same jack ass.

He took us to this place called Wood Barry. I was sneaking around. Me and Michonne, we did not like the look of this place. I seemed... fake. I was looking in the governors office.

The governor was the man in charge. Me and michonne. We both caught each other sneaking in there. She whisper/shouted, "what the hell are you doing?!"

"What the hell are you doing?" I mocked back.


She didn't want me talking that way.
I just rolled my eyes. And jumper out a window. To my surprise, I found some Eaters in a cage. They looked well fed. Michonne came jumping out after me.

She saw them, and went straight to killing them. She walked off saying "these people are crazy"

Word count:550

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