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April 1996:

'So how you doing?' Mary asked as I was the phone was on loud speaker while I was painting my nails

'I'm doing good' I said smiled vigorously

'You sure seem very happy' Mary assumed

See I'm happy but really on the inside I'm crying. I still love DeVante and it's weird not coming back to him with all the drama and shit awaiting when I see him. I'm adjusting to this new life, living with Tupac as I try to get myself together. I'm doing alright but still some part of me feels weird inside.

'You get some dick?' She asked as I gasped as what she just said

'Mary!' I blurted out in shock but laughing afterwards

'I'm just asking....you've been creeping with Pac lately?'

'Girl just because I'm staying at his crib for a few days doesn't mean I'm doing freaky shit with him' I said trying to reach the pinkie toe to paint it

'Hmm....you've gotten freaky with him before....you ain't afraid to get on with him again' Mary laughed as my eyes went wide

'MARY!'I blurted out

'Girl you know you thinking about it that big, black, dark-'

No lie ain't afraid to hit it with Tupac again, all this description Mary given me is actually given me a visual and at this point, I feel myself getting heated.

'Okay! That's enough Mary' I stopped her from carrying on

'Hmm....anyways girl we need to go out' she said

'Word! We ain't hang since.....' I drifted in my thoughts

'Exactly, you cant even remember' she pointed out

'Well, imma be busy this whole week except for Saturday'

'What you doing that whole week?' Mary asked

'Imma looking forward to filming my music video for Who do U love' I smiled 'but one problem is that people might think it could be about DeVante'

'Girl you still thinking about his lying cheating ass?' Mary asked giving attitude


'Girl you broke the engagement of him for a reason....now that's his loss now' she said 'he had a good women but didn't take it to his full advantage and messed around with girls that are definitely not on your level'

I sat back hearing Mary rant on, as I drifted of thinking of all the times DeVante mistreated me. Damn I was all up in my feelings, I felt a knot been made in my stomach having the urge to cry.


'OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!' He knocked on the door with force

I sprung up and opened it for him.

'Who was that on the phone?' He asked

'It was just Mary' I said looking at the ground

'Lift your fucking head up when you are talking to me' He ordered as he lifted my chin with force 'what did she say?'

'She was just catching up with me and...' I trailed of my sentence

'And what?'

'Oh...nothing' I looked elsewhere

'How stupid do I look?' He asked

You really wanna go there?

'Do I have to hurt you to get answers from you?' He threatened

'N-N-no' I said scared

'Fine then what else did she say?'

'She invited us to this party tonight'

'We are fucking going' he ordered

How am I making this person I call a man bully me around the house? I might get hurt at this one but I need to stand up for myself. This nigga has taken all my strength to fight back because I'm afraid of him killing me.

'No you are going to that party, not me' I said

'What?' He looked at me

'You fucking heard me!' I Shot back walking past him

He grabbed my wrist tightly, pulling me back into him. I tried fighting him but his grip was too strong. I found myself on the top of the stairs with him, on the edge. He thought it was a good idea to let me go as I finally had balance, but it looks like I missed a step and tripped, rolling down them painful steps.

End of Flashback

'Justine...Justine!' Mary called out

'Oh sorry...' I trailed of snapping out of my thoughts

'Phew....I thought you were dead for a minute' she took a breathy laugh

'No....I was daydreaming about something'

'Girl we are definitely going out on Saturday' Mary ordered 'you really need to get your mind clear'

'I know I know'

And when I thought getting over DeVante was going to easy as fuck!

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