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August 1996:

'They got me starin' at the world through my rearview
Go on, baby, scream to God, he can't hear you
I can feel your heart beatin' fast cause it's time to die
Gettin' high, watchin' time fly'

I've been busy all night with some of the outlawz with me as we record some songs for the soundtrack gang related.

Out of nowhere, I see my girl Kidada come into the studio. How she know I was gonna be here?.....The bigger question is, What is she doing here?

I got up from out of my seat and did the usual thing any man would do is greet their girl with a kiss, but Kidada wasn't buying into it.

'Don't come up here and act all sweet in front of all ya homies' she said with an attitude putting her hand out to stop me from coming any closer to her

'Man....' I smacked my lips '.....what I do to you?'

'What I do to you?.....you really wanna go there?' She asked looking at me as if I was stupid 'Why haven't you answered any of my calls, why haven't you even bothered to page me back?'

'Coz yo' ass is annoying' Kadafi blurted out trying my hardest not to laugh as Kidada turned around and gave him a death stare

'Yo' girl....I'm sorry take a joke' kadafi spoke out putting his hands in surrender

'Hmm....anyways, as I was saying?' Kidada said folding her arms

I started twisting my lip and shit, fidgeting with my fingers because I didn't wanna tell her the actually truth. I just found her a little bit to overprotecting sometimes. Like she calls me every 24/7 and to be honest, I'm fine. Like half of the time, I'm in the studio and the other, I'm chilling with my homeboys. It's nice that she's always there for me but damn, let a nigga breathe once in a while.

'Well....the thing is......sometimes.....I'm just busy man! I said finally

'Your so busy that you can't even-'

Thank God the phone started to ring!

'Well What do you know, I gotta answer the phone!' I said

Just rhymed there niggas!

'Yo!' I said happily on the phone

'Get to the hospital....NOW!' Mary said eagerly as my mood changed

'Why....What happened....Mary is-'

'Justine got in a car accident and she's in serious condition' Mary explained as she sounded like she was gonna cry

I froze for a minute....serious condition? My heart literally sunk. I didn't want to think about her dying but I couldn't help it.

Nah man.....I can't loose Justine!

'How serious is she?' I panicked

'I dunno man but she's on life support....just get to the hospital Tupac!' Mary said worried as hell


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

I paced the room quickly as my hands were on my head worrying like a motherfucker.....damn nigga get yo' ass in the car and see her before it's too late!

'What happened?' Kidada asked concerned

'It's Justine man.....she's on life support!' I said stressed

'Shit man!' Kadafi responded as Kidada just stood there with a worried look

'....is she gonna be okay?' Kidada spoke quietly

So now she wanna be nice....

'I dunno - Kadafi stay here and finish the soundtrack with the boys....Kidada please go home and be safe, I'll promise I'll call you this time after everything is sorted out' I said to both of them as I kissed Kidada on the forehead


I got to the hospital as quickly as I could. It was a struggle though because I saw a lot of her fans that were crowded around the hospital doors, some were even in the waiting room. I could just see the looks on their faces as some were crying, praying.....they cried as if they knew her like that and it was sad to see them in this state.

Justine has made a huge impact in the hip hop, R&B, pop, Soul......so many things you could name in the industry and if this is her last day, I just don't know what I would do without her. And it's sad because I can't love Justine as a friend, bestfriend, I love her a whole lot more than that. She's my heart, my soul, my liver, my lung......I lover her too death, I'm in love with her, I can't loose her, not now, not ever! I would even give up my life to save her, she deserves more life than I do.

I had to take a seat because I knew I was in the verge of collapsing. I could feel my heart getting heavy and my stomach felt empty. My hand were on my head as I started having a little panic attack. I've never been this upset in my whole life since 94' when they found me guilty for raping the girl even though I didn't. It's like my whole life came to an end.

At this point I didn't even care if people see me as this hard motherfucker on TV, interviews.....I didn't care. I let myself go as and cried - I cried hard man. You know them times when a child gets hard and they start crying so hard because they can't bare the pain, that's the same way I cried.

'Awh baby come here' I heard a gently feminine voice as the arms wrapped around me releasing it was Nova, Justine's mom

'God....is she okay!' I cried in between my sentence

'Tupac....baby.....I wish I could tell you she's doing okay but I haven't got a clue. She's still there unconscious.....clinging onto dear life and she's going through into her first surgery tonight' she said as tears fell down her eyes

'Nova I gotta see her!' I panicked out of my seat but she grabbed me by the hand

'They are not letting anyone else see her until she gets better' she spoke out

'Until she gets better? This could be her last day on earth and I can't get to see my bestfriend....my love of my life.....I can't sit here and wait recklessly, worrying because I might loose Justine' I raised my voice as my voice started to crack up

'Tupac....' she tried to calm me down but I refused 'Tupac.....please....this is hard for me too but I don't want to see you stressed or it's gonna make me stress even more'

'What else can I do?.....' I broke down again as I fell into her arms as a little child

'Pray baby, pray.....everything is gonna be okay' she reassured me

How okay will it be?.....

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