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August 1996:

'JUSTINE! JUSTINE!' Tupac shouted out

I continued to walk, increasing my speed as I folded my arms looking mad as ever. I realised he managed to catch up to me as I felt him pull me by my arm making me turn around to face him.

Oh boy.....

'Justine' he said once again trying to catch his breath

'What?' I blurted out not looking at him

'I want you to do something for me, can you-' I rolled my eyes at still not looking at him

'Go and ask Kidada, since she YO' GIRL    and she'll do ANYTHING for yo' ass' I said to him as he cocked his neck back at me

'What's up with you?' He laughed with confusion

'You know what, fuck your little favour' I waved him off as he pulled me back

'Don't fucking pull me like I'm some fucking animal' I raised my voice as I came out of his grip

'Fuck man! What the fuck is wrong with you, tryna be nice and you hear disrespecting me like I'm one of your no good ex's' he defended himself

'You're trying to be nice, You're trying to be nice' I looked at him as if he was dumb 'If you were so damn nice, how comes you ain't pick up my calls, if you're so nice how comes you didn't even have the audacity to call back, if you're so nice how comes you ignore me every time your with Kidada, if you're so nice how comes you can't be a friend and defend me, instead you let her tear me down and blame me for her faults when I'm just trying to stick up for myself'

I had to stop myself there because I felt myself in the verge on tears as my chest started to feel heavy. Tupac seemed to calm down as he looked me in the eyes. I couldn't quite read his face as it was a weird look that was plastered on there.

'Justine....' he said calmly 'I never knew you-'

'Cut the bullshit Pac, you knew what the hell was going on, you just didn't wanna open that big mouth of yours. See you say you have a big mouth and any shit that doesn't sound right, you have to speak on it but you cannot even speak up for your best- damn should I even call you that? You sure hell don't act like one' I said harshly nearly cracking out a dry laugh

'Well just ignore shit.....if you stop paying any mind to her, she'll eventually stop' he said calmly

'How the hell am I going to ignore her ass when she's constantly in my face.....damn she's taking you away from me, I can't hang with you like we used to, can't phone you up like we used too. And don't bloody say your busy cause the only thing you're busy with is sucking up to Kidada's ass'

'Why the fuck everything is everything about Kidada, what happened to the previous girls I used to date? You ain't had a problem with them' He Shot


'Oh so you think your God now?' He smart mouthed me 'now every motherfucker gonna have to bow down to your knees and respect you no matter what?'

That nigga needs to get beat, like seriously!

'What part of I'm God, Every nigga now bow down to me did I say in that sentence?' I looked at him dumb 'You ain't here my ass, I don't like your bitch ass girlfriend'

'Okay and that's my problem because....' he said bit seeming to care about my opinion

'See, you don't get it, don't you' I laughed 'you wanna be like this, then this is how it's gonna be' I said to him being calm as I'm going to make the biggest mistake of my life

'How's it gonna be?' He asked laughing as he think I'm playing

'You wanna be with that immature bitch you call your girlfriend....fine, but you gonna have to loose me then. You wanna choose people you've met for like a day over people you've known your whole life, okay then but when those people you say you can trust, don't come back calling for my ass, Cliff, Mary, Jennifer and hell not Faith's ass either' I said as I turned my back

'You don't mean that shit....do you?' He spoke in a calm way

'You know when I mean shit, I mean shit' I turned giving him a dirty look 'don't call me, don't page me and don't ever try to talk to me again'

That look, that look he had on his face made me so upset. I felt like an complete idiot but I just hated the fact that he let his girlfriend disrespect me all the time and think it was okay.

I walked of thinking he was going to stop me again to apologise but he didn't say anything at all. My heart sank deeply and I didn't care if he could hear me crying but I had to let it all out. I've just lost my bestfriend over his stupid girlfriend. I didn't want to do that but you know, people change and life goes on. People meet new people and forget about the people they've known for ever.

I can't even blame Tupac for his stupid mistakes because ever since, and I'm telling you, ever since he signed to Death Row, it felt like I was getting a to know a different side to Tupac and it wasn't a good side. That side was filled with loose of control, voicing his feelings in a violent way, it was just so damn scary to see him like that and I felt as if at some stages of his life from 1995 onwards, something was wrong with him.

I looked Back one more time at Tupac as my eyes were soaked from the tears. I couldn't really quite tell if he was upset or not but he didn't look okay at all. He was rubbing his face constantly but stopped when he saw me look. He gave me a blank stare and went on about his business after that.

Did I really just loose my bestfriend over this shit?

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