44🥀Part 3🥀

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August 1996:

'Why did you decide to come after Justine?' The Deputy asked

It's about to become too real up in this bitch.....

'We didn't have a choice, it's what our boss ordered to do' Damion spoke

'What was the name of your boss?'

'.....Suge Knight'

'What lead to Suge Knight for you to attack Justine?'

'A man told Suge what Justine was doing which Suge wouldn't approve off'

'What did Justine say?'

'She disrespected him behind his back to a friend'

'Do you know the name of the person Justine was on the phone to?'


'Do you know the man that told Suge about the conversation Justine had?'

'Yes' he spoke out

'Is He here right now with you?'


'Can you give me the first and last name of the man?'

'Mark Wayne' he spoke out

Hmm.....niggas be talking bout how they homies but when it gets to court and defend themselves, they gotta snake each other out.....

'Does he work with you?'


'When Suge found out, what was the plan you guys had on Justine'

'Suge ordered us to beat up Justine to teach her a lesson, we didn't want to do it at first because we didn't believe in hurting a women but we would have to suffer the consequences if we disobeyed him'

Oh so he threatening yo' asses too and you call each other hard!

'Thank you. I have no further questions'

'The witness is excused. Does the defence rest?'

'Yes, Your Honor'

Now that everything is cleared up, we gotta find out if my ass if guilty or not. Also there's gonna be a part two to this court shit when Suge finds out his court date. Damion literally snakes on his ass and Suge don't have a perfect record so far.

'Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I am now going to read to you the law that you must follow in deciding this case.' The Judge spoke 'To Prince be the crime charged against the defendant and the prosecution must prove three things to you: First, the defendant came out of the studio and saw the gang out there looking suspicious at the parking lot; Second, they followed behind you and you sped up as you got into the car and they shot you but only managed to hit the door and you retaliated back by shooting at them. Third, you lost them but was called to pull over by police by disobeyed causing the Cadillac do find you and shoot at your tyre which probably caused your accident'

'If each of you believes that the prosecution proved all three of these things behind a reasonable doubt, then you should find the defendant is not guilty. But if you believe the prosecution did not prove any one of these things beyond a reasonable doubt, then you must find the defendant guilty'


Damn that was some long hard cold hours. Thank God my ass didn't get any jail time. Neither of us did to be honest, but I had a lot of charges. I had to pay for the equipment I damaged, I lost my drivers license for a year and I have gun probation for two years. I also have to pay for the damage of their car because I smashed the window with a bullet.

Now what the hell am I going to use in defence. If my ass get killed, Imma blame the government.

Suge Knights gang has to pay for the damage of my car and probation on the car and gun which was only up to a year.

I have to say all shit was fair but it's gon be hell when I get to Death Row, I don't even know if I'll be back there again but that's all cool because at least I don't have to go to work feeling threatened by him.

I came outside and Jesus I swear I couldn't even find my family. There was so many damn press just coming at me, and what was worst is that I'm in a wheelchair with bandages. Thank god it was Mary pushing my chair because I would've done the same thing she did. She just pushed passed people to get them out off my way. I didn't care if they got hurt because know one told them to stand in my way.

Thinking this was the most busiest and stressful day ever, I still can't get my mind of Tupac. I thought I kissed him because I felt sorry for him but I felt love. I didn't even speak to him through tour the whole day. Even if he was at the court case with me, it was just awkward especially when my ass kept on turning around. It's surprising that he wouldn't bring his girl but his girl don't like me so I understand that. I remember the other girls he dated and anywhere he went, you would always see them with him, especially Madonna.

I don't want it to stay like that though because I'm not letting some kiss ruin our friendship, one of the reasons why I didn't want to do this intimate shit with him.

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