44🥀Part 1🥀

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August 1996:

'All rise.' The Bailiff spoke out 'Department One of the Superior Court now is in session. Judge Melissa presiding. Please be seated'

Here we go......

'Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the L. A. Goons verses Justine Skyers. Are both sides ready?' The Judge asked

'Ready for the people, Your Honor' the district attorney said

'Ready for the defence, Your Honor' My attorney spoke afterwards

'Will the clerk please swear in the Jury?'

'Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand? Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court and that you will return a true be duct according to the evidence and the instructions of He court, so help you, God? Please say 'I do'.' The clerk spoke out

'Your Honor, Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant has been charged with three charges involved crime of using the gun irresponsible, Driving carelessly and damaging property on the streets. This evidence will show that a 1996 black Benz was driven on the night of August 10th and the fingerprints of her strap that she used. The other evidence will show that the defendant is guilty of attempted murder' the Deputy DA said

Damn I can't believe I managed to stay in my chair calm. How they accusing me of attempted murder when them idiots were trying to do that shit to me?

'Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, under the law of my client is innocent until proven guilty. During the trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth that Justine was just driving away from safety. She used the gun for self defence and didn't intend to murder anyone. Therefore my client is not guilty.' My attorney spoke some sense into the Judged

Hmm.....that's what I fucking thought!

'The prosecution may call its first witness' the Judge said

'The people call the person driving the white Cadillac' the Deputy DA called out

'Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?'

Nigga looked shook, he was hesitating to say I do because he knew his ass was gonna snake him and his whole crew out.

'I do' the man said as the Judge raised her eyebrows at him

'Please state your first and Last name'

'Damion Juniors' he spoke out

'You may be seated' the clerk spoke

'Please spell your last name for the record' the reporter said

'Damion, where do you work'

'I work for Suge Knight, Death Row Records'

'What is the address of your business?

'8200 Wilshire Blvd' he spoke

'Where you working there on the night on August 10th' he asked

'Yes, I was' Damion spoke but from the looks of it, you could see he looked guilty as hell

'Where were you after you finished work on that night?'

'I went out with my boys to another recording Studio'

'What were you doing there?'

'We were waiting for somebody'

'What was the name of the person you were waiting for?'

He done fucked up there!

'Justine Skyers' he spoke out hesitantly

'Why were you waiting for Justine Skyers?'

'My boss sent us there to talk to her' he said even though his ass was lying

'What were you going to tell her?'

Yeah, what were you going to tell her, Damion?

'We were going to talk to her about the things she shouldn't have done'

'What things was she not supposed to do?'

'She spoke out Suge Knight on the phone to one of her friends and someone find out and told him about it'

'Did you know what she said about Suge?'

'Yes, I do'

'Thank you, I have no further questions'

'Does the defence have any questions?'the Judge asked

'Yes, your honur' my attorney spoke 'Where in the studio did you find Justine at that night?'

'At the car park outside of the Studio'

'How did you guys know that she was going to be there?'

'Justine told Suge just in case he was wondering'

Bull! I didn't tell Suge shit!

'Thank you, I have no further questions' my attorney said as she sat down in her seat

'The witness is excused. The prosecution may call the next witness' the Deputy spoke

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