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June 1996:

'Yo Pac Wait up for me a lil bit' I asked him after we finished time in the studio

'It better not be long' he said

'Long?....where you off too in a rush?' I asked as he gave me attitude

'I'm heading to the club'

'You were gonna go without me?' I asked feeling hurt


'Save it! Why you going to the club when you got a girl....you still can't let go of your hoeing behaviour?'

'I'm not hoeing and can't a nigga have a little fun in his life?' He asked acting hurt

'So you're saying I'm not fun now?' I twisted the conversation

'I didn't say that!' He Shot

'Yeah Whatever what time you gon be back?' I asked

'I dunno' he said

'Well I better not see you with them hoochies in your music videos' I laughed

'You won't......come give daddy a kiss now' he smiled stretching his arms to me

'You know I ain't gonna hurt you' he kissed me forehead still hugging me

'I know you won't' I said confidently

'Anyways why you want me to wait up on you?' He asked breaking out from the hug

'Suge wanted me to meet him in his office by eight'

'On second thought, maybe I should wait up on you' Pac changed his mind

'Nah boy, I can handle my situations myself. Don't come change up your mind your because of something that happened between him and me in the past' I cocked my eyebrows as my arms folded

'You sure Justine?' He asked

'Baby ill be fine....go and have your fun, not too much fun' I smiled

'Aight if I have energy in me after the party, I'm coming back to tear yo' ass up' he winked

'Imma be asleep by then' I sassed him

'So?....you know I'm going to wake your fine ass up....I'm not going blue balls' he laughed

'I will make you' I laughed even more

'I'm gonna kill yo ass' he joked

'Bye Tupac' I waved him off still laughing 'Wait.....Pac?'

'Yes' he turned around to face me

'If I get out of this meeting early can I come club with you?'

'In those clothes' he eyed my causal clothing

'Imma change idiot' I looked at him as if he was dumb

'I knew that.....anyways it's the club I always role at'

'Aight and you better be there or else' I threatened him

'Damn Girl....you ain't don't have to tell me twice....trying to wife yo' ass and you still as scary the first day I meet you'

'Boy Shut yo' ass up....I bet I wasn't scary when I got you weak in the bedroom?' I smiled giving him that good good look

'Reasons why I don't need groupies to satisfy me' he licked his lips as he analysed my figure

'Eyes up here Tupac' she distracted him from his thoughts

'I know' he smiled biting his lip

'Boy you crazy, anyways I gotta go before Suge kills my ass' I joked

'Alright....be safe, see you at the club' Pac waved me off

'DON'T GET TOO EXCITED!' I shouted out as I realised a bulge in Pac's trousers


'I'm not too late am I?' I asked as Suge was smoking a cigar from his desk

'No come and sit....you want anything to drink?' He asked

'Nah I'm....but I need something to smoke from' I admitted as he pulled out his draw full of all sorts of things

'Damn Suge....I ain't know you have all them different types of blunts in there?' I got surprised while my eyes went wide

'You know, I'm always prepared' he spoke proudly 'Anyways I'm here to talk about your sister'

'Jesus!....my sister didn't mess around?' I asked as I started to panic

'No no, I wanna sign her to the label....she's been most of the time working with Pac mostly and the others and I think she'll be a good mix'

'Damn I love my sister but she gone be on my case 24/7....and she young so she don't know how we all work around here' I spoke out taking a drag

'It's cool we can drill her into into it' he said as I cocked my eyebrows at what he meant by drill 'No one ain't gonna jump her Justine, like just tell her how things run around here'

'Oh....that's cool but at the end of the day I can't force her it's her decision so if she doesn't take it, I can't do nothing about that but I'll think that she'll take it though' I said trying to be real as possible

'Yeah I know it's just that she's a good mix.....along with Aisha and Alisha'

'You wanna sign them too?' I laughed a bit

'Well it won't hurt, will it?'

'I dunno man.....they young and they vulnerable and I want them to be comfortable and when I mean comfortable I don't want them seeing you crew jumping niggas that betray you' I laughed

'Why you think I got a room for that?' He laughed

'Damn you get every room for anything you do in here, you prolly got a room to get it on with' I joked

'You know....I probably do' he said

'Dang Suge!' I said in shock nearly coming out of my seat 'None of your homeboys can't wait until you get home?'

'You know us niggas, we don't wait when there is free pussy running around' he joked making me cringe

Getting a visual of Suge having sexy kind of made my stomach churn a bit. Damn all that flab that be going all up and done.....damn!

'Anyways, just talk to them about it and if they agree, I'll set up a meeting for them to get started' he spoke changing the subject

'I'll talk to them' I smiled at him

I'm not worried about my sister because her hoeing ways are showing and she'll prolly get passed on in that studio.....she prolly had sex with Pac before but haven't Faith, Jennifer and maybe Mary had a piece of his friend? Like just as long they ain't doing no freaky business while me and Pac are together, I'm cool with that.

But it's just Aisha and Alisha, they grow up in the hood, but they ain't used to all the weed surrounded them and they bold too so they probably cuss the men out badly causing their ass to get beat.

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