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September 1996:

I changed into something a little more skin and a little less coverage for the after party. Damn when I tell you the place was hot, the place was hot. I couldn't imagine what the mansion would've been like for the after party. I wore a mini pink satin dress that showed my cleavage but not too much. My hair was girl with a little bit of purple highlights. What was weird is that I wore one silver heel and the other foot had that big ol' ugly cast.


I was all by myself sitting as everyone was enjoying themselves. Tupac didn't even once come up to me to talk. Probably because of how I confronted him earlier but the nigga didn't have to take it too heart though.

My eyes grew wider when I saw him with Kidada......she looked beautiful though, I mean wow, she's every man's dream: lightskin, skinny and come from a rich family. She's a girl every man wants to be out with on the red carpet, streets, in front of the cameras.

Me now, I'm just an ordinary ghetto chick that some niggas might be intimidated by me because of the crazy shit I do. Some groupies even be scared of me because of the guys I hang out with and they think I'm dating them because of the past beatings I've done to other girls.

I'm still concerned at how the fact I haven't got in trouble as yet, the things I've done look like attempted murder and Jesus I ain't pretty.

I also used to be skinny but gain a few pounds due to depression and shit, I'm not bothered to lose it though because I feel a lot healthier but still.

I sit back even more, getting a blunt out  as I smoke it, taken in the smoke as I sit in depression. I didn't even realised I was crying until Ginuwine asked me why I was crying.

'Why a pretty girl like you tearing up?' Ginuwine asked

'Crying- oh shit I didn't even realise, this is just hay fever' I lied

'Justine?' He looked at me as he didn't buy into my excuse

'Ginuwine?' I mimicked him

'Justine, I know you ain't have no damn hay fever, especially when we ain't around no damn plants'

'Why the hell do you care if I'm upset or not?' I asked as I took drags from my blunt

'Your here by yourself, no one has come to approach you and I hate seeing you upset' he said

'So you feel sorry for me' I sarcastically laughed 'because I look vulnerable, you think i'm going to tell you my business'

'Why you gotta think like that?' He screwed his face at me

'Because I can' I said hatefully

'Fine then, suit yourself' he said dryly as he got up from

Why the hell I gotta put my stress on him man, what he do to me?

'Wait....Ginuwine.....' I called after him as he turned around 'Sorry for all of that'

'Now tell me, what's up with you?' He said as he wiped a tear from my face

'Can't tell you here though, too many snitches up in here' I said


'I ain't really done with Pac' I confessed

'What do you mean?' He asked confused

'Me and Pac are still.....'

'Y'all still fucking?' He assumed

'You think I'm able to get freaky with this big ol' ugly cast on my leg?' I looked at him stupid

'Aight Aight my bad' he but his hands in surrender as I laughed

'We ain't fucking but we are seeing each other behind Kidada and I feel wrong about it' I looked down at my hands

'Wait but Justine you were-'

'I know I know but I really love him, like really do and I hate feeling like a side chick because I'm not made to be that' I said

'Have you talked to him about the way you feel about it?' He asked


'Well that's kinda of a start' He laughed

'I'm being dead serious Ginuwine' I laughed

'How if your there laughing?'

'Oh shut up man, you're making me laugh'

'Well I'm doing a good job then' he smartly said as I stopped laughing 'Oh no no no.....don't stop laughing'

He was really pretty, I mean really pretty. I swear all the men I get are really pretty. Not saying that Ginuwine is my man but you have to agree with me on that one.

DeVante has the pretty hazel eyes and smile

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DeVante has the pretty hazel eyes and smile......

 Tupac can be that nigga nobody ain't wanna mess with but when he hits you with that poetry, all panties be flyin' off

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Tupac can be that nigga nobody ain't wanna mess with but when he hits you with that poetry, all panties be flyin' off......

 Tupac can be that nigga nobody ain't wanna mess with but when he hits you with that poetry, all panties be flyin' off

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And Ginuwine just sexy as fuck.....

I couldn't bare it anymore, I saw how he kept on licking lips several times as he continued to stare at me attire. We were recently standing up for a bit as I wanted to stretch my legs.

I didn't even my face crashed into his as my lips touched his.

'OMG! I'm so sorry!' I felt embarrassing

Now I feel like an idiot!

I tired scurrying of by he pulled the material of my dress gently. He smiled at me and caressed my chin before bringing my face close to his again causing me to kiss him.

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