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June 1998:

Thank Jesus Pac ain't doing nothing extravagant for his birthday tomorrow.

We spent the whole entire night decorating the house for Brie-Ella's first birthday as she turned one today.

'Wow I can't believe it's been a year since she gave her first breath' I traced over Pac's tattoos on his chest

'Time flys by quick' he said

'Innit 20-30 years time, she'll might be doing one of these for her child' I said 'Ohh we gon' be old as hell'

'Nah you gon' be fine when you reach 40'

'Boy stop telling me lies' I laughed

'I ain't ever gonna lie to you, your ageing well'

'You act like I'm 40 already, I'm only 26' I stated

'A nigga can't compliment you?'

'I love you so much' I pecked his lips twice 'as you said time flys quick, when we gone move on out of these sheets'

'Do we, I'm so comfortable' he whined

'Boy hush up you sound like a five year old' I rolled on the over side of the bed

'You weren't saying that last night when I-'

'I dare you to finish that last sentence and we'll see what would happen to you later' I warned him as I sat up

'Dang' I heard him mutter under his breath

'While you're at it can you pass me one of your shirts?' I asked nicely

'Didn't you just threatened my life?' He put his sweats on

'I love you' I smiled cutely

'You lucky I cant stop loving you or I would've left your ass naked' he passed me one of his Tees


'Mama!' Brie screamed happily

'Look at the birthday girl' I ran straight to her 'you look pretty'

'Pretty' she replied back

'Yes you are pretty' I said as she tapped my face 'Ohh mind mummy's make up'

'Mummy shouldn't wear makeup, she's pretty without it' I heard Pac say

'No makeup' she patted my hair

She started making faces at me so I mimicked them. She looked angry at me for a second so I thought it was a good idea to stop but then she started laughing.

This girl man......

But she real cute though......but she looking like Pac with her big brown eyes and gorgeous long lashes.

'How old are you?' I said as she looked at me funny 'say I'm one years old'

'One year ol' she didn't pronounce the d

'Yes you are one today' I said

'One' she pointed at me

'Mummy isn't one, you're one' I pointed at her

One' she pointed at herself

'Yes' I said as she smiled wrapping her small arms around my neck

'Let me see the birthday girl' Mary came over

'Tell Auntie how old you are Brie' I said

She looked up at me showing her front teeth as she put one finger up, while giggling .

'Awh she looking like Pac though' Mary joked

'I know' i said

'How are you and Pac doing though?' she asked

'We doing good, I'm glad I listened to my heart'

'It took you a long ass time though' she said

'Mary!' I was shocked

'What, you know its true and everyone here can agree with me'

'Girl you should be happy I didn't wait until it was too late' I said

'You sure?' she asked

'Girl I swear-'

'Calm Jay i'm playing just playing with you'


'Well I'm not playing at the fact that wedding bells might be ringing' She laughed

'Mary it's only been a month'

'So ya'll would die if ya'll don't see each other' she said as I had nothing to say because she was right 'Exactly your girl would never tell a lie'

'Yeah yeah' I muttered to myself

Thank God That conversation was over! She over there predicting my future, Boring little Brie to death. Her cake even out as yet and she look as if she wanna fall asleep.

I turned around and saw Pac with the cake as he was carrying it towards the table. The cake was pretty and In Brie's favourite colour.....Pink. I've discovered that she loved the colour Pink, from her accessories to her shoes, they gotta be pink or she ain't gon' be happy with us.

'Ohhh Brie look what Daddy brought out for you' I told her as she turned her head

'PINK!' she exclaimed



'Pac can you hold her please, I think Brie braking my arm now' I told him

After three hours, this girl was passed out. I've been holding her like for an hour and I feel like she cutting my circulation.

'She can't be that heavy?' he laughed a bit

'You know how they be when you hold them in one position for a good amount of time' I said

'Aight then' I passed her to him

'Jesus I can't feel my arm' I said trying to adjust myself on the chair

I felt tired my damn self as well.

'You tired as well?' he looked down on me as I rested my head on his shoulder

'Too tired, I need to rest'


Sorry if this chapter seemed shit, I'm really trying to finish this book this week before I go back to school again.

A/N you guys reading, make sure you comment as well as vote, I need a little bit more motivation!

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