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July 1996:

I had to make up with Tupac one way or another. I couldn't keep dragging his petty argument. He was just dancing on this girl.....that's all...... But if I ever catch his ass doing shit like that again, he wish he never met me.

Today were all performing at the house of blues and I was all up and excited until.....

'I'm not having the girls join Death Row' I said

'What girls are joining Death Row?' Pac asked as he was busy hiding his strap

'Dream' I stated the obvious 'Suge wanted me to talk to them about it as he was interested signing them'

'What's the problem with that?' He asked as if nothing was wrong making me stop in my tracks and watch him giving a death glare to him

'What's the problem?' I mocked him 'I'm not having the girls relive the ghetto again.....y'all here hiding your gun, strap, pistols.....whatever y'all brought with you acting like it's the damn streets your on when y'all going to perform for the crowd'

'You obviously been living under a rock' he laughed then getting serious afterwards 'we wouldn't have to be doing this shit if people could just stop targeting our ass'

'We?......If you just didn't stop being a threat to people this wouldn't be happening' I blurted out knowing this was gonna go down south

'I'm a threat- I'M A FUCKING THREAT!' He raised he voice 'so speaking my mind is being a THREAT! As far as I am concerned, as long as you're around me, your a threat as well' he sized me up causing me to slap the taste out of his mouth

'YOU THINK I'M A THREAT?' I asked glaring at him while his he rolled his tongue in his mouth before rubbing his cheek '......THE ONLY THING THAT IS A THREAT IS THAT GUN YOU HAVE......you and your crew walk with that shit everywhere and y'all niggas wonder why people wanna cause beef with you.....Y'all walk around with it and not realise anyone can see you and shot you first before you get to do the dirty deed. YOUR GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!' I shouted

'MAYBE I WANNA DIE.....LET THEM SHOT ME THEN!' He shouted as his eyes got glossy

My face started to soften up but soon changed as I felt my heart literally sink.


I can literally hear him repeat that sentence over and over again in my head. I didn't know what to say or what to do. My heart started to feel heavy as my eyes were watering. I didn't want to cry because I just got my make up done and I knew I wouldn't have time to fix it afterwards.

I know he's see me cry before but today wasn't the right time. I looked into his glossy big brown eyes and couldn't help but start to cry. I just couldn't believe he would say things like that. It shouldn't be kind of a surprise because he says these things in his songs but hearing it face to face with him at his lowest, was one of the most heartbreaking thing you could ever hear.

'Pac....you don't mean that.....' I asked as I felt a tear drop fall against my cheek

I didn't hear a word from him. He stood there silently and I saw a tear fall from his eyes. I instantly went over to him and hugged him tightly as he did the same to me. He hugged me as if he never wanted to leave me, he was like a little child that held onto their piece of candy so tightly that the wind couldn't even blow it away. He buried his head into the crook of my neck as I felt tears fall onto it.

At this moment, I didn't care if I ruined my makeup.....I was more concerned about the fact that Pac had a death wish and now that he has said it to me and in his songs, it makes me worry even more that I might loose him. I don't ever want to loose him, no one does but my love I have for him is so unconditional. He's my heart, my soul, my mind, my life.

He might be my boyfriend but he will always remain to be my bestfriend.....

Authors note: Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit....iffy.... I didn't rush it or anything I just felt like it didn't sound good. The other chapters are supposed to get better so make sure you vote and comment please.

*If you readers are DeVante Swing fans, make sure you go and read my book Fallin 4 u, it's completed.

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