Love | Thoughts

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I was reading something about love,
One person said love was making physical contact
And more but the other person said
Love isn't just physical contact
But also knowing how you feel about a person
And and being there through all
The shit.

That made me realize something,
Call me crazy but I'm not
I truly
Love him so here I am
In the friend zone fighting to be in his life
Is that true love?
Or is it just me being naive?
Hoping he'll come back.

In all honesty I hope he comes back
I'd take him back
But this time I'd show him how truly
Wonderful he is,
That he doesn't have to change for me
To love him.

You don't,
You didn't have to
But even though you are
I still want you.

You need to know
I want you still,
That I'd take you back if you
Still want me and asked,
I just want you
I fucking love you
And can't get rid of this feeling.

Do you still love me?
I need to know if you've really moved on
That fast
Am I nothing to you?
Just someone you passed time with,
I know it was only two months
But when I said I loved you
I meant it
Did you not?

I need to know how you truly feel
Because I love you and it hurts
Seeing you with her,
Don't say I'm better off
If you looked me in the eye
You'd see I'm not
You'd see the difference from when
I was with you so I need to know.

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