Reinventing Myself | Thoughts

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   So I'm going to reinvent myself which means remake or change myself. I'm reinventing myself because maybe if I change myself hopefully things will change in my life and I'll be happy again.

   I have a few goals and changes that I want to make to myself so that maybe I'll be happy again, actually happy.

- Dark Purple Hair
- New Wardrobe
- Trying Out Makeup
- Happier Personality
- More Confident
- Staying
- Keeping My Friends Close
- Keep My Broken Self Inside And Contained
- Don't Cry Anymore

- To Make Myself Worth Something
- To Make Myself Pretty
- To Show That I Can Be Strong While I'm Broken To
- To Fight For The Ones I Care For
- To Keep One Friend
- Have Someone Love Me, A Friend Or Lover
- Stay When I'm Hurting
- And tmhcrb (only I know what that says)

   Those are my changes and goals for reinventing myself because I need to change myself a little bit. I need to have something to keep me busy so I'm not hurting as much and maybe while I'm at it something will happen to actually make me happy instead of just faking a smile.

   Maybe I can finally be worth something and make someone happy. Maybe someone important.

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