Losing | Thoughts

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   I'm losing it, fuck my insignificant self. Fuck me. Can't stop... I just can't. Every fucking time. What's wrong with me?

   God you've made a broken person who is unfixable and should just die right now. You've made a selfish monsterus person who holds on to tight when she should just let go for the better of everyone else.

   Should have left the world when he left 3yrs ago. Should have died like our relationship. He was so much like him but he's so much more compared to him, he's stayed when he could have broken our promise.

   Why do you stay when I'm so ugly? You could flea like everyone else. I won't hate you but I think its bad that your staying, yes I love you and I appreciate that you didn't break our promise but your life could be so much better like everyone else's if you didn't have a nuisance like me in it. I'll understand if you leave.

   Forgive me for these drinks. Forgive me for crying. Forgive me for loving. Forgive me for hoping. Forgive me.

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