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I've been tagged, thanks MelaniteSakari

   Um I'm not sure how many things I'm suppose to do I think its 10 but I don't know, but anyways here I go.

1) I'm in love with my ex, its not a secret everyone knows

2) I'm trying to fix myself with broken pieces and fake smiles

3) I can't sleep

4) My hope is the only thing left in my life, its the one thing that keeps me going and that's because I hope for something crazy

5) I will wait

6) One of my goals was to stop crying on my reinventing chapter and so far I'm no where close to completing it

7) ihmeslm (only something I will know unless someone guesses it)

8) I'm changing myself so that maybe people won't leave me so easily

9) I see myself as worthless and someone who people can't love (you can try to prove otherwise)

10) My body is slowly killing it's self and its not getting better

28 people I don't have but here's a few


Here's 9 people.

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