I Am | Thoughts

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I don't know why but I feel like I'm just there. Like all the people I know just tolerate me. Like I mean nothing to them.

To be honest I guess I've know that I'm just there. I'm probably just that friend that everyone doesn't really like. The girl who people could care less about.

Is that who I am? I don't want to be that girl. I want someone to care, for someone to love me. I don't want to be the girl who only has herself and fake smiles.

I've been alone my entire life. So when someone says they care I'm scared that it isn't true and that I'm still just the second pick girl.

Want to know how I see myself well this is it. I see myself as the second pick girl. The girl no one likes. The girl who's life is to live for others. The girl no one really cares for. The girl everyone leaves. The girl who is to damaged to love but is that really me or is this just how I see myself.

I wish I knew what's wrong with me so maybe finally I could fix my ugly self because that's what I know I am an ugly damaged imperfect girl.

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