The Dead-And The Living

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Luanna's POV

"We have to get out of here, if they find us-" I started, then almost blacked out, because of the beating I took.

I think my nose was broken...It sure was bleeding enough to be broken...

"We have to get out of here. They wouldn't leave me alone, knowing that, A, i have wings, B, I am a mass-murderer. And they aren't the first one's I have killed. So, we have to get out of here!" I almost blacked out again, from holding my nose, while talking.

"Hide the bodies, use a rug to cover the blood, Us kids will get out of here" Alex said, finally getting out of the funk he was in. "Luanna, you up to-"

"Just 'cause my nose may be broken doesn't mean I can't fly, let's go." I stood up, takeing off the sweat shirt that was covering my wings, and through it over my shoulder. Alex did the same.

"Twirp, ya comming?" I askd Zero, who looked like he was scared of the police. "The police aren't anything to be afaraid of, I could kill them too, as like you, if you don't get your butt off of that spot!"

"I-I'm comming!" Zero stammered.

I walked out the back door, Alex and Zero behind me. His shushnub of a sister stayed behind. Now was time to get out of here, again.

I spread my wings, and lept into the air, feeling the rythem of flying running through my vains, and the glory of having hands covered in blood. It's typically not something a normal 14 year old girl would like, killing things, I mean, and flying. But who said I was anything but unordinary...?

Alex picked up Zero, who was too amazed on me to notice until he was fully in-air, and right next to me.

"Now let's blow this joint!" I yelled, wipeing the blood from my nose.

"Luanna, don't push yourself, I don't want you to-"

"Haha, I didn't put any effort into before! I should be fine!" I stuck my toung out at Alex. He knew I would go as long as I could.

Well, that was what life was 'bout? Right? Pushing the boundries, and seeing how far you can get with it, right?

'Cause that's all I have done.

...And I still had the knife...

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