Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

Years ago I had a life one that I thought was what I would of had forever. It was a life that people dreamed about. Finding the love of your life and being happy. Like a high school themed movie where two people fall in love. Except in reality that love somehow dies. I never thought he would leave me like he did when I needed him most. Though thats all in the past now. I dont need him in my life anymore. He made his choice and he will forever have to leave with it.

Killian's POV

When I was in high school I fell in love with the most beautiful and smart woman in all the school. Maybe others didnt think thats how she was, but to me thats who she was. I gave her my heart and she held it everyday until one day she dropped it. She push me away and I didnt understand. I thought she loved me, but it turns out that you cant love your high school love forever. She will eventually shut you out and never look back. Thats all in my past now. I dont need her in my life anymore. She made her choice and she will forever have to live with it.

Emma's POV

Sure my life isnt what is was all those years ago, but I dont care. I have a new life and Im happy.

"Emma... Come on we dont want to be late." Neal says.

"Coming." I say walking out of the room.

"Wow you look perfect. Now remember we need you to use that body of your to get us what we want. That means if you have to sleep with him then do it. We need that money." He says.

"I know what we need. Now are you sure he isnt a cop or anything?" I ask.

"Yes Im sure. Now do what you do best. I need this raise and he thinks your hot. Now work that sexy body of yours and make us rich." He says.

"Of course. Anything for you." I say.

Before he could say anything I got a text from a friend.

Emma, Please stop letting Neal treat you like a whore. Your better then that. Stop sleeping around with men to get him ahead in life. I dont want you to get hurt, or killed, or arrested, or get an STD. Please stop...

"Ugh... Ignore the text and come on we dont have much time. His wife will be wondering what is taking him so long." Neal says.

He ended up taking my phone and dragging me out of the apartment. This is my life and I know what Im doing. My friend just needs to stop.

Killian's POV

I've come along way from the guy I was all those years ago. I think Im better then I was and I have a woman who agrees.

"Hey there handsome." Milah says.

"Hey... So we going out tonight?" I ask.

"But of course. I have the pills, the booze, and the other stuff we need for a grand old time." She says.

"Excellent. The world gets alot better when we dont have a care in the world." I say.

"Yes indeed. Now Im gonna go get my keys and its off we go." She says.

"Hurry back." I say.

Once she left my phone went off and I got a text from a friend.

Killian, you need to stop with the drugs and the alcohol its not who you are. Milah makes you a different person. I hate how she has made you throw your life away. Your better then that please remember that. I dont want you to get mixed up with a bad group or OD, or do something horrible. Just please stop.

"Hey who texted?" Mialh asks.

"No one." I say.

"Okay then lets go." She says.

My friend needs to mind their own business. This is my life and I know what Im doing. My friend just needs to leave me and my life alone.

A/N: Let me know what you all thin of this story.

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