Chapter 34

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Emma's POV

Things have been fine expect a message I got from my ex Neal. I havent told Killian that Neal contacted me and wanted to talk. I dont want to make him angry or upset. Though Im thinking about meeting up with Neal to know what he wants.

"Hey love you going somewhere?" Killian asks.

"Umm... Yeah. I'll be back in a couple hours. Will you be okay if its just you and Liam?" I ask.

"Of course we will be fine. I'll see you later my love." He says and kisses me.

I walked out of the house and got into the car and drove about an half an hour away from home. When I got to the coffee shop there was Neal waiting for me.

"Emma... Im glad you made it." Neal says.

"Yeah... Look if you want to get back together its not happening." I say.

"Actually thats why I messaged you to come meet me. I dont want to get back together. See after you were saved by that guy I fell apart. I felt weird without you and the things you did for me to get where I am now. I then started to work things out for myself and I actually made my own life better. So I guess you leaving was best for both of us." He says.

"Oh so this is a thank you in some way?" I question.

"Yeah I guess. If you hadnt left I wouldnt have found that Im actually capable to make it higher without you using your body. Also you leaving obviously made your life better. Congrats." He says while looking at the engagement ring.

"Well Im glad your doing better for yourself. So good luck in everything you do." I say.

"Thanks Emma. Also Im so sorry for what I did to you. Best of luck to you too." He says.

I said goodbye to him and now I could really let go of that pain. Knowing Neal doesnt want revenge on me or the life I now have I no need to worry. I went home and saw Killian playing with Liam on the floor and it made my heart flutter. Everything was bad at one point in my life, but right now everything is perfect and I couldnt ask for anything but what I have right here.

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