Chapter 7

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Killian's POV

Here Emma and I were just staring at each other. People who didnt know what to do or say as others watched. It was so weird it was like they had to know everything about what happened by waiting for us to say what happened. We just didnt know what to do so Emma just walked away from me and went to the other side of the room.

"Well that was the most awkward 2 minutes ever." Robin says.

"That it was. Look maybe I should go." I say.

"No Killian. Dont go Im sure as long as you and Emma stay away from each other things will be okay." He says.

"Yeah that should work." I say.

I tried to do what Robin suggested so I kept my eye on Emma and when she was coming towards where I was I would walk the other way. Though in moments when Emma looked at me she didnt quite understand why I was looking at her.

"Okay thats it." Emma says walking over to me smacking my arm.

"Bloody Hell Swan! Where did you come from? I thought you went to the bathroom." I say.

"Yeah no I did that to come over here without you knowing. Why are you watching me Jones? Its creepy. Stop it." She says.

"Hey Im only doing it because its the best way to avoid you. I mean earlier was very awkward." I say.

"Oh well that was weird. I guess I could say thank you. Well I guess we should stay apart." She says.

Before I could say anything else a song started playing. It was a song that was playing on a boat at the docks the night Emma and I first kissed. Emma just looked at me and I noticed that this song kind of made her nervous.

"Hey why dont you dance with me? You know for old times sake." I say.

"You promise me you wont be mad if I step on your feet?" She asks.

"No I wont be mad. Now come dance with me two left feet." I say taking her hand.

I took her to the dance floor and it wasnt weird it felt like the past again. It felt like the two of us and then we noticed our old friends were watching us.

"I guess they planned the song." She says.

"I wouldnt be surprised. So are you seeing anyone?" I ask her.

"Actually yeah I am . Are you?" She asks.

"Yeah... So how long are you staying in town? Belle is trying to make me stay longer." I say.

"Im not so sure how long I'll stay, but Belle does want me to stay long as well. You dont think she and the others are trying set us up again do you?" She asks.

"Well your talking about Snow, David, Robin, Regina, and Belle. So I wouldnt put it past them." I say.

After the song ended I looked into her eyes and got a strange feeling like something was wrong. She then pulled away from me and walked the other way. I watched her walked away and something was saying if she choose to stay I needed to stay and find out just how much she might just need me again.

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