Chapter 35

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Killian's POV

Yesterday Emma left and went god knows where and it worried me alittle. Though what made me worry even more was when David had some news to tell me. It had to do with Emma's ex being where she said she was heading yesterday and I didnt know what to feel.

"So your telling me Emma was in the same area as Neal?" I question.

"Well yeah. Kinda. See Snow said Emma went to a wedding dress shot out there. Neal was also out there for work. Emma came home so I guess there is no need to worry." David says.

"What if he saw her? What if he is planning something? My Emma needs to be safe. She is love of my life and I have to keep her safe." I say.

"Well Neal went back to where he was and Emma is here with you. So I think Im done with my spying on Emma's ex." He says.

"What are you crazy? He could..." I say.

"Thats enough Killian. I've made my choice. Im done spying on Neal and I think you need to talk to Emma. Good luck Jones." He says.

He walked away and just left me there and when I headed home Emma was feeding Liam.

"Emma we need to talk." I say.

"Sure. Is everything okay? You look worried." Emma says looking up at me.

"David told me Neal was near by were you headed to yesterday." I say.

"Oh you know I went to talk to him. Killian its no big deal. He was just apologizing and thanking me for leaving." She says.

"Wait... You went to talk to him? Why would you do that? After everything he did you go and talk to him. Whats the matter with you? So you lied to me." I say angrily.

"Killian dont be mad. It was nothing and I dont have to tell you everything." She says.

She placed Liam in his swing and walked into the kitchen. I followed after her cause this wasnt over.

"Hey you cant just meet up with your ex and not tell me about it. You knew how I would feel about it and if you would told me afterwards things would have been better. Though you didnt and thats why Im upset." I say.

"See this is why I didnt want to tell you. I didnt want to have this fight. You let your jealousy take control and Im sick of it. Dont you trust me at all?" She asks.

"Of course I trust you, but its others I dont trust." I say.

"Well when you get like this it makes me feel as if you dont trust me and Killian that hurts." She says.

"Im sorry Swan. Its just I love you so much and dont want to lose you ever again." I say and hug her.

She placed her head on my chest as I kissed her head. I never want to hurt her again. I cant cause when she hurts I hurt and its the worse pain in the world. Im just glad she doesnt hate me after all that. Cause if she did I would never forgive myself for hurting the woman I love.

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