Chapter 11

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Killian's POV

After Emma and I told our friends what happened we havent spoken much in the last two days. I wanted to just talk to Emma and see how she was mainly cause what happened is a very painful thing to remember. Though the rain was still bad and I dont think Emma is leaving Snow and David's anytime soon.

"Hey you okay?" Belle asks me.

"Yeah Im fine. Im just thinking about Emma. I know she is probably hurting after being up the past. I also know she is being forced to leave in a storm by her dick of boyfriend." I say.

"Well Snow is helping David at the sheriff station today and Emma will be alone. You guys could talk in an actually house then a wooden one. Im sure she would love the company. Especially with the storm still crazy." She says.

"Do you think I could make it in time before it worsens?" I ask.

"Im sure you can. Now go." She says.

I quickly got out and rushed to the house and knocked on the door until Emma answered.

"Hey love can I come in?" I ask.

"Sure." Emma says letting me in.

I walked inside and she went over to the couch and sat there in silence. I walked over to her and placed my around her shoulder.

"Love Im sorry. I know that talking about what happened was hard for you and for me. It was even harder when we had to tell our friends. Im also sorry for not talking to you afterwords I just didnt know how." I say.

"Its okay Killian. I wanted to talk to you to I just didnt know how. Then I got a text from Neal and he is saying that Im slutting around out here and thats why I havent came back." She says.

"Well why would he think that? I mean he does own a TV with the weather channel showing that up here in Maine is bad." I say.

"Well he doesnt care he wants me to do it for him." She says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"I sleep around for him to get him ahead..... Its what I do now. I thought I was helping make our lives better and that he cared about me. Though Im starting to think his I Love You was a load of crap. Since he wants me to leave in this storm." She says.

"Oh love... Im so sorry. Listen I think the only way to know if he care is if you tell him whats going on. If you tell him how much it bothers you and he says he is sorry then he loves you... Though if not he is using you. Im sorry if thats how it is love." I say.

She just looked over at me and placed her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head. My phone went off and I saw Milah's name flashing on the screen. I declined the call and turned off my phone. My Emma needs me and I have to be here for her no matter what. I just have to be.... I cant leave her alone again. I just cant because... I still love her and I always will.

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