Chapter 32

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Emma's POV

Killian has been very secretive lately always sneaking around and whispering to our baby. It made me very confused to as why he was doing this. I swear if he is cheating on me and using our son to do it. I'll kill him. I then saw Killian talking to Liam and it was very weird since one cant talk back.

"Whats going on?" I ask.

"Well we are just having a little talk." Killian says.

"He cant talk back. You know that right." I say.

"Yes I know, but I can talk to him. Besides Liam likes it when his Daddy talks to him." He says.

"So... What are you hiding?" I ask him.

"We arent hiding anything are we little man?" He questions tickling Liam.

"Yeah sure. Look I'll keep out of your business, but if your cheating I'll end you." I say.

He walked over to me and kissed my head as if it was to reassure me that nothing was wrong. He then left the house with Liam leaving me alone in the house.

"Okay Emma. I've tried to talk to Robin and he explained it all." Regina says barging into my house.

"Look stop barging in... Anyway what did he say?" I ask.

"He wants to have children." She says.

"So." I say.

"So I cant have children. My life is to busy. I will be a horrible mother." She says.

"Hey stop that you will not. Robin loves you and he believes in you. Regina I have no doubts in my mind that you'll be a great mother." I say.

"Thanks Emma." She says.

After she left I was cleaning up and looked at the window were I saw Killian and some woman outside.

Im gonna kill him then I noticed when the woman he was with turned around was Belle. Okay so he is off the hook for now, but what did Belle hand him.

"Hey love." Killian says walking in.

"Hey... You." I say.

"Your mad at me about something. Arent you?" He asks.

"Yes. Your sneaking around, hiding secrets, having Belle had you something. Your making me crazy." I say.

"Love just calm down. Take Liam." He says.

I took Liam like he said as he walked past me. I was now even more upset at him, but when I turned around he got down on one knee.

"Killian.. What?" I question.

"Emma I love you. We spent years apart and hated each other and that sucked. Though I knew I was missing something. It wasnt clear until I saw you again. Then you gave me that handsome baby boy. So my Swan... Will You Marry Me?" Killian asks.

"Oh Killian I would love to Marry you, though it doesnt matter, but you didnt get a ring." I say.

"Check his jacket pocket." He says.

I looked into Liam's jacket pocket and pulled out a ring. Killian slimed at me as I put the ring on. I put Liam in his play pen and Killian pulled me close to him and kissed me. This is all I needed my son and my Killian.

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