Chapter 28

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Emma's POV

Killian and David have been keeping an eye on our house and so far nothing. They go there every night and check everything then they stay out and keep watch. Then they check again in the morning and the window in Liam's room is always left open. It was starting to become a freaky problem.

"So according to David its the same thing window open and nothing stolen. I dont know whats going on in your house, but I think its the best that you guys are here." Snow says.

"Yeah as long as he is safe thats all that matters." I say holding Liam close to me.

"Well do you think its Neal or Milah?" She asks me.

"Well Im not so sure. Neal wasnt someone to play games like this. Well Milah wanted me dead. If it was her I think she would have attacked right then an there. So Im not sure whats going on, but its weird." I say.

Killian had come in and was looking very tired. I handed Snow Liam so I followed Killian upstairs.

"Well Love we arnt any closer to finding the person, but Im started to think whoever it is is harmless. They havent stole anything, they didnt attack, so maybe... We could go home." Killian says.

"What are you crazy? I am not staying there. Who knows what this person is doing. I am not going to that house until this is over." I say.

"Well then you stay here and I will stay at the house and I will see you tomorrow." He says.

He ended up going to take a nap here and then when he work up he helped with Liam and then headed to our house. I was very nervous about Killian staying there and David staid with him.

"Emma Im sure they will be just fine. Im not worried. Things are going to be just fine and if not David knows what he is doing." Snow says.

I knew she was right so as I took care of Liam all I could think about was Killian. I really hope he was okay I dont know if this is someone bad or someone stupid, but I was very worried about Killian. If it is someone bad then I will lose my Killian, but if it wasnt then what is happening at my house. I guess I'll know in the morning when Killian hopefully comes back safe and sound.

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