Chapter 16

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Emma's POV

I had been back with Neal for over a months now and I was trying to find the right way to get away from him. I havent heard from Killian either and I was starting to get nervous. I decided to call Killian while Neal was in the shower. The phone rang and rang and he never answered. Before Neal came back my phone rang and it was Killian calling.

Phone Call

Emma: Oh Killian thank god.

Voice: Listen slut leave my boyfriend alone. He is talking crazy and wants to leave me and I think its your fault.

Emma: Look Im sorry. We are just friends and I want to know if he is okay. Its been awhile since I've heard from him.

Milah: Well he has been alittle tied up lately. Very busy. Goodbye Slut.

End Phone Call.

I just looked at my phone and saw Neal just looking at me. Crap what is he going to do.

"So your friend is not calling you or talking to you and he is guy. Whats going on Emma?" Neal asks.

"Look my friend needs me. I need to help him. I want to help him. I dont care if you say no. Im going to go find him." I say.

"You love him dont you?" He asks.

"Neal.. I.." I say.

"You love him and I dont like that. Your not going anywhere." He says.

Neal grabbed on to my arm and was about to hit me when someone just barged in.

"David?" I question.

"Let her go. Right now." David says.

"No this is my girl." Neal says.

David didnt listen and punched Neal in the face. He helped me pack my stuff and we got out of there.

"How did you do that? How did you know I was in danger?" I ask him as we got into his car.

"You didnt hang up the phone last night and Snow and I heard Neal yelling and threatening you. So Snow said I better go now or who knows what would have happened." He says.

"Well thank you, but Im worried about Killian that Milah answered his phone called me a slut and said Killian was tied up with work or something. Im... Im... Do you have a bag? Im gonna be sick." I say.

He handed me and bag and I started throwing up. All week long this has been happening.

"Are you okay Emma?" David asks.

"Im fine. We just need to find and help Killian. Im worried." I say before throwing up again.

I have to find Killian and then once I do I'll worry about whats making me throw up. Its probably nothing, but just nerves. I just hope I find Killian before something bad happens to him. What has the Milah bitch done to my sweet Killian.

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