Chapter 18

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Emma's POV

I had to have several test done since Im not sure whats wrong with me. I was waiting in the room and David walked in. Though I was just happy he wasnt alone Killian had walked in and I felt much better.

"I'll go find the doctor and see if they have any news yet." David says walking out.

We watched David leave and Killian just looked at me. Then I noticed he had several marks on his wrist as if he was locked up or something.

"So my Swan are you okay?" Killian asks me.

"I should be asking you that. Your arms they look as if they hurt." I say.

"Im fine love. Whats wrong with you? Did Neal make you do something you didnt want to. Like did he drug you or something?" He asks.

"No. To be honest with you Neal hasnt made me do anything for the last 6 and a half weeks. He has been to busy work. So he and the people he made me do stuff with didnt do anything to me." I say.

"Well then whats the problem?" He asks.

"Well Im not sure. They say it could be one of two things. Either Im having a appendicitis or I could possible be well you know..." I say.

"I couldnt be. Cause if you havent been with anyone since me. Then that would mean... Well you know... Thats only if you are." He says backing away from me.

I knew just why he backed away cause I dont want it to be that either. The last time this happened we lost everything. I rather have my appendix causing trouble then be... I cant go through that pain again.

"Hey I dont mean to interrupted, but the doctor would like to talk to you Emma. Killian and I could go if you want." David says.

"You guys can stay if you want." I say.

The doctor came in and told everyone what was wrong with me. Once he said what it was Killian just walked right out. David quickly followed after him.

"Well like I said congrats. 6 weeks pregnant you must be very happy." The doctor says and leaves me alone.

I got my stuff and left cause I was allowed to. I saw Killian just angry as if he wanted to just hit something. David was trying to make him calm down, but it was no use.

"Killian stop it. Calm down please. Can we just go back to Storybrooke?" I ask him.

"Like it matters where we go. Everything was fine and now its all gonna fall apart. Again everything will be lost. Why did we have to be trapped for over a week and then be so stupid. Making the same mistake again!" Killian practically yells.

"So it was stupid to over come everything and want to be together? Is that what your saying?" I ask.

"Emma Im sure thats not it. Right Killian." David says.

"No thats what Im saying. Everything was fine until this happened. God Emma you would think after slutting around you would know how to protect yourself." Killian says.

I couldnt even look at him so I just ran the other way. Hopefully I can get on a bus and go as far away from Killian and all those who hurt me. I dont need Killian. I just need to be alone. I guess Im just better off being alone then being with someone else.

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