Chapter 25

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Killian's POV

As Emma slept I held my baby in my arms and I never thought I would love someone as much as I love this little one. Sure I love Emma, but I love this little babe so much too. Emma and I had handsome baby boy which we named Liam Asher Jones. We named him after my brother who pasted away years ago.

"Hey... Can we come in?" Belle asks.

"Sure. Just be quiet Emma is sleeping." I say.

They walked in and I handed Liam over to Belle.

"So this is him. He is cute." Snow says.

"So how was Emma during the whole process?" Regina asks.

"Well she was in pain and hated me, but when he finally came back her tears were no longer from the pain." I say.

"So I gotta know did you cry?" David asks.

"How could I not. Just look at this little one." I say.

"So now that he is here are you gonna forget about the past problems?" Robin asks.

"Im gonna try. Sure Im gonna be alittle on edge, but Im not gonna let it control my mind anymore. My Swan and my son need me. They are my main priority now." I say.

They hung around for about an hour and then they left. Emma eventually woke up and she had never looked more beautiful.

"What?" Emma questions.

"Nothing. You just look so precious." I say to her moving her hair from her face.

"Well my hair's a wreck, I have no make up, I look tired, and Im breastfeeding a baby. Do you really think I look precious cause you dont have to lie to me." She says.

"Believe me love. Wether your all dressed up or looking exhausted your still the most beautiful woman in the world." I say.

"I bet you say that to everyone." She says.

"Nope only you. Cause with you my love its true." I say.

"I love you Killian." She says.

"And I love you Emma." I say.

I kissed her head and placed my forehead on hers. I had my Swan and my son. What else could I possible want. The answer would be nothing. Cause they are all I will ever want and need. I will protect them at all cost their my family and I love them more then I have ever loved anything else in my life. My Emma and my son are my happiness and thats how it will always be for now and forever.

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