Chapter 5

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Killian's POV

I packed up and was on my way to Storybrooke. I was alittle unsure what to do if I saw Emma here. As I drove to town I was wondering what would happen if she would start in about what happened. She blames me for our break up just like I blame her for it. I just hope she doesnt begin her pain in the ass problem if we do have to come face to face with one another.

"Would you look who its." My friend says as I pulling into the drive way.

"Yep its me. Alone as requested." I say.

"Well good. Im so happy to see you." My friend says and hugs me.

"Likewise Belle. I've missed you. Though your text havent been my favorite." I say to her.

"Well I just miss the old Killian the one who wasnt a junky. Beside you werent the only one I have been texting making sure the old them could come back." She says.

"Really and who would that be?" I ask.

"Well if I say her name you wont be to happy." She says.

"Oh right the lying Swan. Is she coming?" I ask.

"Yeah actually she is. So please dont fight. Look I might not know what happened between the two of you, but this is time to remember the past like when you two were friends and not enemies." She says.

"Look what happened between Emma and I is just nothing that concerns anyone else. She blames me for the break up when it wasnt my fault it was hers. Though your right I'll keep it to myself and wont make a problem with Emma." I say.

"Well thats all I ask. Thank you Killian." She says.

I got myself settled in at Belle's cause she was nice enough to let me stay. Then I went for a walk and headed down to the docks. This place brought back so many memories. This was place place Emma and I first met, where we had our first kiss, where we said I love you, and where we broke apart. I ran my hand on the bench where we sat and had all that stuff happen. I looked up and came face to face to the one I didnt think I would see until tomorrow.

"Hello Swan." I say.

"Jones." Emma says.

It was a awkward moment of us just looking at each other. Since I didnt want to fight I just walked the other way. This is tough I didnt know how tough it would be until I saw her again. Now Im not sure what comes next, but I hope it isnt a crazy break down.

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