Chapter 21

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Killian's POV

Protecting my Emma and my baby is my one priority right now. I cant let some crazy exes try and take my love away. I have been working with David in trying to make sure they never show up. I cant lose Emma and I cant have my child without my Emma.

"Well so far Neal and Mila are were they both were left. So go home take care of Emma. She needs you right now." David says.

"I need to make sure Emma and our baby are safe. My family has to be safe they just have to be safe." I say.

"And they will be a as long as you stay with them. Look I know you want to protect them at all cost and you will, but until someone tries to take Emma away you dont have to worry." He says.

"I guess your right. Its just first being afraid of losing my baby and now Im scared of losing my Emma... I just feel so helpless." I say.

"Look go home stay with Emma and your unborn child. I promise if they make a trip to our town I will tell you." He says.

I headed home has he suggested and walked inside and Emma was just watching a movie. I sat beside her and she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Im sorry for being so distant for the last 2 months. I love you and our child and look how our child has grown. Your alittle over 4 months pregnant and your glowing and beautiful. Im sorry I havent been there for you. I just want you to be safe and not in harms way." I say.

"I know you want us to be safe, but I miss you. Your my everything and Im glad your here now. Look Im worried about the past coming back too, but I cant stress without possibly causing trouble to myself or our child. I love you Killian." Emma says to me.

"And I love you too my dear. Both of you." I say placing my hand on her stomach.

David and Emma are right wanting them safe is just fine, but I cant push them away. Before I know it Emma will have my child and things will get better. I have to believe that for my child and my Emma. Cause I love them and their all I need to be happy.

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