Chapter 17

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Killian's POV

I woke up still in the same place I was trapped for the last couple weeks. I tried to tell Milah I was done with her and she didnt like it that much. She ended up tying me up and leaving me in the basement. I just wanted out and to be with my Emma if she could be my Emma.

"Morning handsome. Have you decided to stay with me? If so I'll let you out, but if yo still wish to leave then Im not letting you go." Milah says.

"I told you I'll stay. Just let me go get you a gift for your trouble." I say.

"Yeah like Im falling for that. Your just gonna go to that slut Emma. Oh she has been worried about you. Though I told her you wanted nothing to do with her." She says.

"My Emma knows better then that. She wont believe you. If I know her she will find away to me. Wether she does it herself or has a friend do it. She wont let me be trapped forever." I say.

"Umm... That means I just have to eliminate her. Oh I know... I'll text her to meet so she can "save" you. Then she will be killed and it will just be you and me. Like it should be." She says walking out.

I have to get out of here my Emma cant get hurt because of me. Knowing that Emma is worried about me it makes me stronger. I tried to get up, but Milah came back and placed my phone in front of me.

If you ever want to see or hear from Killian then you will met me tonight. If not then I will hurt that pretty face of his.


Okay just text me where to meet you. Just dont hurt him. Please dont hurt him.


"No. Emma. Milah you cant do this. Killing Emma wont make me want to stay with you." I say.

"Oh Killian you'll forget all about her once she is gone. Then we can stay together and it would be as if that slut never walked in and destroyed everything." Milah says.

She walked out and I tried everything to get out, but I was to weak to get out. Though I heard someone coming downstairs after hours of being alone.

"If your here to tell me Emma is dead than I dont want to hear it." I say.

"Dont worry. Emma isnt dead." The person says.

"Wait... David? How'd you know?" I question as he helps me out.

"Well Milah isnt smart to message from her location. So we waited for her to leave so I could sneak in." David says.

"Wait then wheres Emma?" I ask as he helps me up.

"The hospital." He says.

"What why? Where the hell is Milah?" I ask.

"Well Killian Milah is stupid. She doesnt know what Emma looks like. So I paid several women to walk down that ally way so Milah would be busy for awhile. As for Emma she wasnt feeling to well. She wouldnt stop throwing up every so often. So I took her to the doctor before coming here." He says.

"Well lets get to Emma." I say.

We got into his car and made our way to the hospital. Im glad to be away from Milah, but I want to know whats wrong with my Swan. I hope she isnt in any pain or violently ill. I guess Im about to find out since we now have arrived at the hospital.

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