Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

Last night was amazing for me and I didnt think it would be. I thought being around Killian would suck, but after a nice dance together I was remembering our past. We might not have ended well though we had the best of times. I was getting ready when I got a call from Neal.

Phone Call

Emma: Hey Neal whats up?

Neal: Not much. Look you had your little fun night off and its time for you to come home.

Emma: You know Im thinking of staying a extra couple days to really catch up with my friends.

Neal: No you cant we have thing to do tonight. I need that body of yours to help with me.

Emma: I'll see what I can do. I'll call you later.

End Phone Call.

I sat on the bed when Snow walked in and she looked as if she has bad new to tell me.

"Em I have some news and you might not like it." Snow says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well if you look outside you'll a huge storm is heading this way. I dont think you should leave town until it clears. Which it wont for awhile so you might be stuck here." She says.

I looked out the window and texted Neal telling him I cant leave for awhile cause it was to dangerous.

"Well you know what I guess Im staying. You know what before the storm hits Im gonna go for a walk to clear my head. I'll be back soon." I say.

"Be safe." She says.

I walked out and went for a walk down by the docks. The sky did look crazy I then got a text from Neal and him telling me I need to just take my chances. I need to just lose myself and so I walked along the beach as I was just walking the rain just started pouring down. I then noticed that the waves were becoming unbearable. I had to keep climb up on the rocks to get away from the water. Climbing on the rocks while its raining is crazy especially when you were about to fall. Though I didnt fall cause someone caught me.

"Thanks." I say once I was pulled to safety.

"Your welcome Swan." Killian says.

"Yeah... I need to get back." I say.

"Well we can the rain is coming down to hard, but dont worry we are near my old tree house. Come on." He says.

I followed him and we were in his old tree house. He built it years ago and made it out of strong wood and made it so not even rain could leek through. He cover me with a blanket since I was shaking cause I was cold. I guess we were gonna be here for who knows how long. I just think we are going to be here for awhile and I guess if I had to be in one place trapped with one person Im kind of glad its with Killian.

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