Chapter 39

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Killian's POV

I woke up with my Emma in my arms and I looked at my beautiful wife sleeping. Last night after the wedding Snow and David took Liam so Emma and I could be alone. Though Emma didnt drink anything last night which was alittle odd since she made sure the bar had what she liked. I guess maybe she didnt want anything to drink. I looked at my sleeping Swan and then headed down to make her some breakfast.

"Emma my love. I made breakfast." I say walking into the bedroom.

"Ohh thanks. What did you make?" Emma asks sitting up.

"Oh some eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast." I say.

"Wait... Did you say eggs?" She asks.

"Yeah. I made them just as you like them. Extra runny." I say.

"Ohh.. God." She says.

She shot right up and ran out of the room and straight to the bathroom. I placed the food down and followed her.

"Emma my love are you alright?" I ask.

She didnt reply so I went into the bathroom and held her hair as she threw up.

"Im fine now." She says standing up.

"Emma are you sure?" I ask.

"Actually Im fine. I know whats going on... Actually maybe we should sit down." She says.

She took my hand and guided me to the bedroom. She was about to say something, but she saw the breakfast and ran back to the bathroom. I took the food back to the kitchen and went back to the bedroom where Emma was waiting.

"Okay love the food is away. What do you need to tell me?" I ask her.

"Well before the wedding my dress wouldnt fit at all. I was a perfect fit before. Anyway I was trying to find out what was going on and the I might have learned what was happening to me." She says.

"Emma I dont understand. What are you tell me?" I ask.

"Killian, I was thinking I was pregnant. So Belle got me the test and I took it when I left you for a moment. So what Killian.... We're having another baby." She says.

"Wait? Really? Another baby? Are you serious?" I ask.

"That depends are you happy or mad or not wanting another child?" She questions.

"Emma this is great news. We are having another thats amazing. Sure we werent planning on having another one so soon, but then again we didnt plan on falling in love again." I say.

"I love you Killian Jones." She says.

"And I love you Emma Jones." I say.

I kissed her softly and placed my hand on her stomach. We were having another baby and I couldnt be more happier about that. Our family is growing and that makes me happy cause Emma and I are in love, married, and make beautiful children together.

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