Chapter 9

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Killian's POV

I woke up with Emma's head on my shoulder and the sound of the rain was still strong. I just looked at Emma and seemed to be having a bad dream. I ran my hand down her face to help her feel safe and secure. The fear on her face left and there was a small smile. I still ran my thumb on her face and she woke up and looked up at me. She smiled for a moment then got mad.

"What are you doing?" Emma asks.

"Sorry love. I just saw you were having a nightmare and I wanted to make sure you were okay." I say.

"Oh... Thanks." She says nervously.

"Swan are you okay? Like really okay. I know you say your fine, but I know you better then anyone else so I know when something is bothering you. Look I wont push you to tell me. I just want you to be safe thats all I want for you." I say.

"Well Im fine. Its.... I... Things have been alittle tiring lately. You know working alot and trying to maintain a relationship. So you know how it is." She says.

"So this boyfriend of yours how does he feel about you being stuck for a few days?" I ask.

She didnt say anything instead she handed me her phone with a message of her boyfriend telling her to take her chances with the dangerous rain thats out there.

"Yeah thats how he feels about me staying." She says.

"Love I know its not my business, but your boyfriend's a douchebag. It says he needs you for work and doesnt care for your safety. Swan that isnt someone you should be around." I say.

"You know what you can tell me what to do or who to date. You were the reason we had are break up so you have no right to tell me what to do now!" She practically yelled at me.

"Woah Swan calm down I was just trying to look out for you. Also you were the reason that we broke up not me. Its not my fault your boyfriend doesnt give two shits about you." I say.

The rain was still pouring down and I moved away from her and just looked out the small window. I looked over at Emma who seemed to be crying. Last night we got along and now we are fighting and I made her cry. I walked back over to her and placed my arm around her.

"What happened to us? We were once so strong and so happy and now... We cant even wake up after a calm night without fighting. I mean you blame me and I blame you for what happened. Though we never really talked about it since we both just went our separate ways. Maybe we should open that door again." She says.

"Well what happened to us is that one door neither of us wants to open. Though I guess if we want to fix our friendship like it once was then we need to open the door. Are you ready?" I ask.

She nodded at me and we took a deep breath. It was time to open the door that broke us apart and hopefully we can find balance between us and finally find that friendship we had all those years ago.

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