Chapter 27

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Killian's POV

I woke up the morning and noticed Emma just staring at the door and Liam was in our room. It was very odd cause Liam was in his room last night and Emma was asleep when I went to bed. I gentle put my hand on Emma's shoulder and she looked at me all tired.

"Love whats wrong? Why didnt you sleep?" I ask.

"Liam's window was open last night. I remember it was shut. Unless you opened it then I staid up for no reason." Emma says.

"I didnt leave it open Swan you did." I say.

"What do you mean? I shut it." She says.

"Yes and then you said never mind its to stuffy in here and reopened it." I say.

"Oh.... Okay thanks. Now can you watch him as I take a nap?" She asks.

"Of course." I say.

I took Liam out of the room and closed the door. My heart was beating very fast. Liam's window was closed last night. I should know I double checked after Emma went to bed. I called up David and told him to come over quickly.

"Well it looks as if someone used a screwdriver to pry it open. Your just look you, Emma, and Liam wernt hurt. Was anything stolen?" David asks as we walked downstairs.

"No. I looked all over nothing has been missing yet. Well except some food from our fridge. Who would break into a house, crawl threw a baby's window, not take the baby, not hurt the family, not steal any thing valuable, and just take food?" I ask.

"Well I dont know. A very stupid burglar or maybe one of you was sleep walking." He says.

Before I could say anything Emma screamed and David and I went back upstairs to check on her.

"You lied to me look at this someone broke in." Emma says punching my chest.

"Love dont be mad. We are all fine and the only thing that was stolen was food." I say.

"Now either we are dealing with an idiot or one of you was sleep walking." David says.

"Well if one of us was sleep walking why would we pry open the window?" Emma asks.

"Well... Umm..." David says.

"Someone was in here. Someone was in our baby's room. I cant sleep here to night." Emma says in a state of panic.

"Okay love calm down. We'll figure this out." I say.

"Well you guys can stay with Snow and I until this is solved or with Belle. That way no one is home if the come back." David says.

"I like that idea. I'll pack our stuff." Emma says.

Later that day we went over to Snow and David's. Emma and Liam will be fine with Snow as David and I sit outside my house waiting for something or someone to come. I dont know if its Milah or Neal or both or something or someone else, but something was going on and I had to protect my family at all cost. My Swan and my baby will be safe as long as Im alive they will always be safe.

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