Chapter 23

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Killian's POV

Emma and I were going to be parents in just one month. Things that have worried me was Milah was either coming this way or she decided not to come around. With Emma and I about to be parents I was worried that I wont be a good father. Though Emma seems to be ready for this baby I was still unsure.

"Killian... You okay?" Emma asks.

"Yeah Im fine why would you think otherwise?" I ask.

"Cause you said we were going to Granny's for dinner and we havent left the driveway yet." She says.

"Oh right. Shall we go eat?" I ask.

"Well yeah, but are you okay? Somethings off again." She says.

"Look Im just nervous that I wont be go at this father thing and then Milah will show up and make things worse...." I say.

"Okay thats enough. I cant take it anymore. Your going to be a great father our child is gonna love you. You have to stop doubting yourself. Sure you were unable to save me last time, but you need to stop stressing. You keep doing this and I see how your here but your not here. It stresses me out and Im worried about you." She says.

The rest of the drive to Granny's was quiet and once we got there she couldnt get out on her own and she was angry with me.

"Here love let me help you." I say to her.

"Just because you helping me up doesnt mean I happy with you." She says.

"I know love." I say helping her out.

She walked inside and sat down in a booth and avoid eye contact with me. I tried to make her talk to me, but nothing was working.

"Okay love... Im sorry. I know I keep saying I will stop doing this, but something always makes me do it again. Look Im sorry my dear and I didnt mean to stress you out. Look my love I love you and Im gonna try to be better, but from now on if Im slipping back into this way just tell me. I honestly want to be there for you and our child. Please forgive me I love you." I say to her.

It took her awhile before she smiled at me. I took her hand in mind and kissed it. I had to better for her and our child and cant keep losing focus. Things are good and as long as I have my Swan everything will always be good. Thats the thing I always have to remember and I wont slip away from my Swan ever again.

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