Chapter 29

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Killian's POV

David and I were staying at the house and we placed a string of bells at the door of Liam's nursery. We shut the window and headed downstairs. I knew Emma was worried about me and wondering what will happen to me if it is someone bad. To be honest I wasnt scared though if it was someone bad it could be bad. David and I both have people we have to be around for.

"Look if it is someone horrible I want you to know that if I die and you survive. I will haunt your ass." David says.

"Well if it is bad and I dont make it. Then please take care of my Emma and my son." I say.

"Of course, but I dont think we'll die. This person seems hungry and stupid." He says.

"Yeah I know. Im gonna call Emma and then go to sleep." I say.

I went into my room and I missed Emma laying with me. I also missed Liam. I just want to solve this case so I can be with my family again.

Phone Call.

Emma: Well your alive still

Killian: Yeah I am and Im sure I will be just fine. I love you.

Emma: I love you too. Just be careful I dont want to raise Liam alone.

Killian: I will my love. Sweet dreams my Swan.

Emma: Stay safe. We love you.

End Phone Call.

Hours later I heard the sound of the bells ring and a loud thud and it was now or never. When I went out of the room there was the person on my floor. I had a bat in my hand and David had his gun.

"What do we do now?" I ask.

"Well we get this person up slowly." David says.

We helped the person up and the hood fell off the person's head and we saw who it was.

"Bloody Hell Robin! What are you doing? Do you understand how you scared the hell out of Emma?" I ask.

"Umm... Killian... David... Where am I?" Robin asks.

"Wait you dont know where you are?" David asks.

"No. Why am I here?" Robin asks.

"We dont know. You have been breaking into my son's room and stealing food." I say.

"God Im so sorry Killian. I never meant to scare your family. I guess I might have been sleep walking again. Im really sorry. I know with bad exes out there it must have brought that fear back to Emma. Im so sorry." Robin says.

"Dont worry about it Robin we arent mad." I say.

The next morning Emma came home and we told her who was really in our house. She wasnt scared anymore so she and Liam were coming home. Now we know its Robin and he is sleep walking we wernt worried. Although we might not know why he is doing it, but we know its him so it will be okay. We know its Robin so we dont have to worry. Im just glad its our friend and not an enemy.

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