Chapter 24

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Emma's POV

It has been another month and our baby will be anytime now. Actually he or she was suppose to be here two days ago and Im starting the freak out. Though Killian has been keeping his promise by being a there for me. Although he has been pissing me off alot lately.

"So love what would you like to eat?" Killian asks.

"Are you calling me fat? Cause you did this." I say pointing at my stomach.

"I never said anything like that. All I ask is what to you want. I wont make that mistake again." He says.

"Oh so now I have to starve some boyfriend and father you ended up being." I say.

"Umm okay. Whatever you want my love I will be happy to get it for you."
He says.

"Okay how about you get this baby out of me." I say.

He just started laughing at me and headed to the kitchen. I tried to get up, but since Im so huge I cant move. When Killian came back he was still laughing.

"Need help?" He asks laughing.

"Your really pissing me off right now." I say.

"Yeah, but I dont mean too love. Your the most important thing to me and you know that. I know your hormones are running wild and your over due and that all makes you mad at me. If I could get the baby out I would." He says he touches my stomach.

"Stop doing that. Stop being so sweet when Im upset with you." I say.

"Sorry love I cant do that. I just love you too much to stop being sweet to you." He says.

Before I could respond I got a very strange feeling in my stomach. It was very painful and then I started leaking and that means its time.

"Its time... The baby is on the way." I say.

"See me being sweet made our child want to come into the world." Killian says helping me up.

We got to the hospital and it was true the baby was coming soon and I have never known pain and happiness like this before in my life. Hours and hours later of pain our baby was finally here and man was our baby just absolutely perfect.

A/N: A baby boy or a baby girl? That is the question, but please note Im only asking for the gender not a name. So should it be a baby girl or a baby boy?

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