Chapter 10

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Emma's POV

Killian and I wanted to open the door that broke us apart and we were about to when we heard people yelling our names. It was Belle, Regina, Robin, Snow, and David, but since it was still raining down like crazy Killian let them all come up with us. Im just glad we all have been in this place before and this tree house can hold us all.

"We were worried sick about the two of you." Belle says.

"Yeah and thank god we found you. I dont know what we would have done if something bad happened to the two of you." Snow says.

"Well thanks, but something bad did happen to the two of us and its time you all know the truth." Killian says.

"Really you want to do this now? With them here?" I ask.

"Yes I do. They deserve to know what happened and maybe they can help us put our friendship back together. Maybe if we can do that we both could visit without being angry that we might see each other." He says.

"Okay could you guys please tell us whats going on." Regina says.

"Yeah please hurry that way we can make a run for it once it clears for a moment." David says.

"Okay, but promise us you wont take sides on this. We didnt want to tell you all because we didnt want you all to break apart too." I say.

"We promise now tell us." Robin says.

Killian and I looked at one another and I could feel the pain of the past coming up. It was time to open that door of pain once again here we go.

(Emma telling the story/Flashback)

I just stood there in shock looking down and the test I so sacredly pasted. Killian is going to hate me and leave me alone. Once I heard the knock on the bathroom door I walked out afraid to tell him, but I knew I had too.

"Love whats wrong?" Killian asks me.

"Well see for yourself." I say handing him the test.

He looked down and then back at me and smiled. Then he kissed me and I knew everything was going to be fine. We were gonna have a baby and we were both happy about it. Though just a few short weeks later that all changed....

(Emma stops)

"Im sorry I cant." I say.

"Well then love let me." Killian says.

(Killian continues the story/Flashback)

We were trying to sleep when Emma woke up in pain screaming. She just kept yelling that something was wrong. So I rushed her to the hospital and the news we got was horrible.

"So thats it. Im so sorry." The doctor says.

He walked out and it was just Emma and I alone. I went to grab her hand when she smacked me away.

"Emma please dont do this." I say.

"Get out Killian! Just leave me alone!" Emma yells at me.

I didnt want to leave her alone, but she asked me to so I gave her the space she needed. Little did I know she was gonna push me away every time I went to talk to her.

(Killian stops)

"Hold on thats not the whole story. That was just a few weeks." I say to him.

(Emma continues the story/Flashback)

I was finally ready to talk to Killian about how we lost our baby in hopes we can move forward, but he shut me out. I went to our old hang out and found drinking which he must of stole from a store.

"Killian your only 18. How did you get that?" I ask.

"It doesnt matter Swan. Nothing matters." Killian says.

"Look Im ready to talk now. So lets sober you up and lets go." I say.

"I dont want to go with you. You shut me out and you pushed me away. Now you want to talk! Well I dont!" He yells at me.

That was the first time that he has always been that mad and it scared me.

(End of Story/Flashback)

"Thats horrible. We had no idea." Belle says.

"Well we didnt want anyone to know about it. So thats what happened. Well does anyone know how to fix us?" Killian asks.

He looked at me and I looked back at him. Both of us fighting tears and now that it was out in the open what will happen next between Killian and I.

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