Chapter 22

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Emma's POV

Killian has been there for me and our child for the last two months. Being this far along it was becoming more and more real. Killian has been with me alot making sure we are okay. Since we dont want to know the gender of the baby we have decided to paint the nursery unisex. The baby will be here before we know it and now Im not as scared I was when this started, but I could tell something was bothering Killian by the fact he doesnt sleep some nights.

"Hey Emma you need any help?" Snow asks me.

"Umm sure. Thanks." I say.

I handed her some stuff I bought for the nursery and we headed inside.

"Wow this is starting to look good." She says.

"Yeah I guess." I say.

"Is something wrong? You seem alittle down." She says.

"Well as you know Killian was paranoid about Neal and Milah showing up and destroying everything we have built. Though some nights Killian doesnt sleep and Im worried. I dont know if it has to do with them or if it has to do with the baby. Im just worried and I havent told him because I dont want to push him." I say.

"Well all you can do is just ask him. If he says its nothing and he seems extra upset or something then I wouldnt push it. Though try to show him he isnt alone." She says.

She was right usually I can talk to him about this, but being pregnant I've gotta watch how I say things. As Snow and I worked on the nursery I could have sworn someone was watching us. I got alittle frightened and when I turned around to my surprise it was Belle.

"Hey you okay?" Belle asks me.

"Yeah you just scared me. Whats up?" I ask.

"Killian is on his way home. I just had to tell you this because he wasnt sure if he should, but it looks like Milah is no longer where he left her." She says.

"And what about Neal?" I question rubbing my stomach.

"Neal either is sneaky or he doesnt care. No offense." She says.

"And why are you tell Emma this?" Snow asks.

"Oh well like I said Killian wasnt sure if he should tell her cause he says you have been in a mood with him all week." Belle says.

"Okay thank you for the news and Snow thanks for your help. It looks like Killian is home and we need to be alone." I say.

They walked out and I staid behind in the nursery waiting for Killian to show and when he did he just looked at me.

"Love I know your mad I told Belle to tell you. I just didnt know how. Im sorry." Killian says.

"Okay for some time now on some nights you havent been sleep and now you dont tell me about this. What is going on with you?" I ask.

"Well lately you have been on edge with me and I was afraid this would make you mad at me or something. As for the sleeping some nights I have nightmares about them coming here. Some other nights I have nightmares that Im a horrible father. Then there are the times when its both and I dont want to tell you because I dont want to upset you." He says.

"Well I guess I understand. I havent been worrying about this anymore since how far we've come, but I never asked you how you felt about this now. Look we have been through alot and we can over come anything together." I say taking his hand in mine.

"Yeah okay. I love you." He says.

"And I love you." I say and kiss him.

I get that Im not as worried about all this, but I have to make sure Killian is okay too. Because he is my other half and I wouldnt want anyone other then him. So we just have to be there for one another and everything should be alot better. They have to be... Right?

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