Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

I fell asleep on Killian's shoulder last night and he was sweet enough to stay by my side. I even saw him deny a call from his girlfriend and I didnt think I was worth it to him anymore. I heard Killian downstairs yelling in the phone.

"Look Im sorry Milah, but the storm is almost over. Though once its over I'll come home, but Im done with drugs and alcohol." Killian says.

He then saw me and quickly hung up the phone. I walked over to him and I could tell he didnt know what to say to me.

"Drugs? Alcohol? Thats whats been going on in your life? How have you been managing to stay away? Or have you been on drugs while being here?" I ask him.

"Swan listen.. I have touch drugs or alcohol since I got here. Besides I dont have a problem because secretly I go to meetings to help control it. I just want to quit and never look back, but Milah wont have it. So Im thinking of possible dumping her once I get back. That way she cant throw everything away. I mean I dont care about alot of that stuff I just left my mother's locket with her." He says.

"Wait... The locket. Why would you leave it with her? Thats the one thing you love more then anything in the world." I say.

"I know. Which is why I have to get it back. So.... Can we not talk about this anymore? So Swan do you hate me?" He asks.

"Of course not. I used to when I thought you didnt care about me or what happened. So I dont hate you I dont think I ever truly can." I say.

"Well thats good to know Swan. I am so sorry I let you be alone when you said you wanted to be alone. I should have just staid with you and let you in when you asked me to. I felt like a jerk once we brought it up again. Im so sorry love." He says.

"Well I shouldnt have pushed you away when you wanted to be there. Just like I shouldnt have yelled at you when you were doing your own thing. I guess we both made our mistake and should of talked. Though we cant change the past, but we can work our hopefully peaceful friendship." I say.

"Agreed love. Agreed." He says.

I couldnt help myself, but I had to hug him. Feeling his hands wrapped around me made me feel safe just like the old times. I pulled out of his arms and we just looked at one another. The next thing I knew I was kissing him and before we knew it our clothes were flying off for a very unforgettable night.

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