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You shake your head repeatedly, the frustration inside of you building.

"No good no good no good no good n-"


You look up at the girl leaning against the wall near the sound system. Her hand hovers over the laptop, ready to rewind and play the song again. For the 257th time.

She sighs, running her other hand through her short, raven hair.

"Are you done yet? You realize you've been doing the same 10 seconds over and over again, right? You've done it like 300 times."

You roll your eyes, mopping your forehead with a towel.

"Perfection is key, Eunji. I'll do it a thousand times if I have to."

She exaggerated a sigh.

"But you are perfect! You've been doing it perfectly the whole time!"

You just shake your head and toss the towel  to the side of the room.

"Not perfectly enough. If I'm not satisfied, its not perfect."

Eunji groaned, slumping against the wall.

"You're too much of a perfectionist."

She punched a few keys, apparently more frustrated than you were, and the song started booming from the speakers again. Your body quickly responded, moving to the rhythm on beat, smoothly and fluidly. You catch your reflection in the mirror in front of you and frown. You stop again, and so does the music. You sigh.

"Eunji, why don't you take a break. I'll practice without the music for a bit."

She shrugs.

"Don't need a break. Keep going, okay? You're doing amazing."

You smile at her gratefully, and she grins back, her coal eyes twinkling. Taking a quick sip of water, you get back into position.

"One last time, Eunji. I'll nail it this time."


You step out of the building, your legs aching from the 10 hours of practice that you had just finished. Eunji walked beside you, happily chattering away with the other students. You close your eyes and let the cool breeze fan your face. Sighing happily, you make your way to your favorite cafe, one that you and Eunji visit regularly.

"Y/N! Wait up!"

You stop walking and turn around. Eunji catches up to you, a slight frown on her face. She hits you lightly on the arm.

"What in the world are you walking so fast for?"

You shrug, smiling.

"I don't know. I'm in a good mood."

She looks at you grumpily, then shrugs, her frown replaced by a cheerful smile.

"Whatever. You're paying for my food today then."

Giggling, she runs into the cafe, weaving through the tables to your regular spot. You sigh and smile, shaking your head. You take a step forward, following your playful best friend when you hear someone cough behind you. You turn around, immediately bowing and apologizing for blocking the path. When you straighten, you see a young man with a slightly amused look on his face. He clears his throat again.

"By any chance, are you Y/N?"

You nod slowly, slightly alarmed. He smiles kindly and pulls out a card from his pocket and hands it to you. You take in his outfit - a black, formal suit, matching formal shoes and a bow tie. You then take the card, glancing at it briefly. Your eyes widen and you look at the card again. Printed on it in black ink were the words 'Big Hit'. You look at the man questioningly. He smiles again.

"Y/N, I would like to inform you that you've been casted for Big Hit. We'd like to welcome you as a trainee as soon as possible."

Your eyes widen further and you open your mouth to speak, but no sound comes out. You close your mouth, embarrassed. He bows slightly.

"We expect to see you again soon. Thank you."

With that he turns and walks away, leaving you standing there, clutching his card like your life depended on it, your mouth hanging open once again.

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