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You never thought you'd be more excited to be back in the Big Hit building. Your 2 month vacation had just ended, with one month spent in Jeju Island, and the other month spent touring Japan.

You had put on some weight from your constant snacking and lack of exercise. You were itching to start practicing again, afraid to lose touch with the skills you had spent a year building. 

Jiyeon was waiting for you and your group by the time you reached your dorm. Once everyone was in, she cleared her throat.

"We're moving you to different dorms now. Two of you will be in one room and the other three will be in the other room. You'll be on the same floor as other idols, but refrain from interacting with them until you've finished all your classes for the day. You may keep all the clothes that were made for you for your vacation. You'll have full sized wardrobes and closets now for your clothes. Pack any and all belongings that you still have in here. A staff member will show you to your rooms. You may decide roommates by yourselves. As soon as you finish settling in to your new rooms, come to conference room A."

Your heart soared. You had been waiting for this since you joined as a trainee and you were finally about to have more space to stay in, instead of one small room for five girls. The other girls quickly rushed around the room, dumping all kinds of things into their handbags. You didn't really have much to pack, since the only thing you brought with you when you joined as a trainee was your clothes. You pulled out your suitcase of clothes from under your bed and followed the others outside.


"Rock, papers, scissors, shoot!"

You looked around triumphantly. You got to share a room with Ji Woo, the member that you had grown the closest to in the past year. Jae Hwa, Seo Yoon and Soo Jin were in the next room.

You and Ji Woo rushed in quickly. There was one large bed to one side of the room. The room itself was much bigger than your previous room. Two huge closets were set across from the bed, with space for a small TV in the middle. Across from the main door was a large window and a desk. The bathroom was right next to the main door. You stepped in, immediately claiming the larger closet. You carefully arranged your clothes while Ji Woo threw open the curtains, staring outside.

You heard a knock on the still open door. Seo Yoon grinned at you.

"We're done packing everything away, so if you're ready, we'll all go together."

Ji Woo turned around and pranced to the door, barely containing her enthusiasm.

"We're done! let's go, let's go!"

You laughed and followed them out, closing the door behind you.

In the conference room, two people stood behind Jiyeon. As you all took your seats, Jiyeon introduced them as the people who would be teaching you about writing lyrics and producing music.

The two men immediately launched into a lecture about lyrics, rhyme and rhythm. You listened closely, afraid to miss anything they were saying. Next to you, Ji Woo was already fast asleep, and Jae Hwa was blinking blearily. Jiyeon dismissed Jae Hwa, who left, her expression relieved.

A few hours later, you woke Ji Woo up as the instructors left the room. She looked around, blinking confusedly.

"Wh-What happened?"

"You fell asleep. The lesson is over."

"Oh thank god, it was so boring."

Jiyeon cast an amused glance at Ji Woo before turning to you.

"Y/N, Seo Yoon and Soo Jin, come back tomorrow for another lesson. You'll be writing actual lyrics tomorrow, so try thinking of something."

You nodded, the excitement in you rising.


You watched eagerly as Seo Yoon opened YouTube on her laptop. The first episode of your vacation had been released, and you had been dying to know how it came out. You and your group watched the video, laughing throughout the 20 minutes.

Your vacation had been more fun than you had expected. Jae Hwa was unexpectedly weird, saying odd things in the weirdest times. When the rest of you hadn't been looking, she had made weird faces at the camera and then covered her face, embarrassed.

A few weeks had passed since you had returned from your vacation, and you and Soo Jin were still learning how to write lyrics and produce music. Seo Yoon had dropped out, reasoning that she wanted to spend more time practicing for her vocals and dance.

During the time you spent on vacation, you came to learn that Soo Jin was extremely competitive. She wanted to be the best at everything, and resented you since you came under the spotlight for your dancing abilities. Though you knew that she'd hate you even more if you had surpassed her at writing lyrics and producing music, you still wanted to take up the job.

You both had just a few more days of lessons before you would be tasked with writing a song, recording it and producing it. You had just a week to complete the whole song, so you had already started brainstorming for ideas for the lyrics.

You sat at your desk, scribbling out lyrics. BTS had just had their newest comeback, releasing their 'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt.1' album, which had left you feeling very inspired. Over the weeks, you thought of writing something along the lines of how hopeless you had felt in the beginning of your journey as a trainee.

Once you started writing, the song came out in a flow. You hummed to yourself, imagining how it would sound when you sang it. You finished the song and set your pen down, satisfied. You closed your notebook and climbed into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.


Soo Jin turned the handle to your door and slipped in quietly. She had seen you write out multiple ideas for songs. She, on the other hand, was fresh out of ideas. Spotting your notebook on your desk, she tip-toed to it, flipping it open. Her eyes widened as she saw your fully formed song.

She glanced over at your sleeping figure and quietly tore the pages out, tucking it into her pocket. She placed the book back in it's original position and tip-toed back out of the room.


Ahh Soo Jin. You evil lil shit. Stealing people's songs.

But, soon comes the time when everyone gets to meet BTS for real, so YAY :))

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