16 3 2

You hummed, excited for your last lesson before producing your very own song. The instructors spoke for a while on the last topics that you hadn't yet learned about how to use the equipment given to you to make music.

The instructors then briefly described the rules that you had to follow to make the song. You were allowed to have any number of your group members participate in the recording part, but only you were allowed to write the lyrics and produce the song. 

Soo Jin shot you an unsettling grin before pulling a few sheets of paper out of her folder.

"I already wrote my /song, and I heard that Y/N also has something ready, so how about we start recording tomorrow?"

The instructors raised their eyebrows.

"Y/N, are you done writing a song too?"

You nodded, flipping open your notebook.

"It's right he-"

The words caught in your throat. Where was your song? You flipped through your whole notebook again your panic rising as you could only find the practice songs that you had written during the lessons with the instructors. You glared at Soo Jin, realizing what her earlier grin meant. Not giving her the time to gloat, you turned to your instructors.

"I must've brought the wrong notebook, but I had a few songs written down. I can record tomorrow."

The instructors nodded.

"Alright, then. You both will be recording tomorrow."


You burst into your room, grabbing Ji Woo by the shoulders and shaking her.


You dropped your arms and paced around the room worriedly, chewing on your lip. You couldn't believe that she had stole your song. It had taken you a lot of time to think of the idea and once you had it down on paper, you had been incredibly proud of it. But now the song was hers.

Ji Woo tapped her chin, thinking.

"What was your song about?"

"I wrote about how I felt when I joined as a trainee. I wrote about how life isn't as easy at it may seem, and that once you go out and actually start working, you realize how much others put in just to survive."

"And you're allowed to use any of us in the recording, right?"

You nodded, unsure of where she was going with it. Ji Woo grinned at you.

"Look, what you wrote was a ballad, so it's unlikely that Soo Jin will ask Jae Hwa unnie or me to record. And Jae Hwa unnie is brilliant with freestyle rap. You can get her to help you with lyrics."

You shook your head.

"We can't take help for lyrics. And I don't want to cheat either."

Ji Woo rolled her eyes at you.

"Then what are you going to do?"

An idea popped into your head and you looked up at Ji Woo and grinned.

"I won't ask Jae Hwa unnie for help with the lyrics, but I will need you guys to help me out."

Ji Woo tilted her head, her expression confused. You scrambled around for a pen and grabbed your pen, plopping yourself down at your desk.

"Go tell Jae Hwa unnie that I'll need her for the recording tomorrow and then come back and help me set a tune."

"For what?"

You turned around and grinned at her.

"I'm writing a rap song. An angry one."


Rap wasn't something you had much practice with. It was harder than other songs, because it was faster paced and the background music was just as important as the lyrics itself. A rap song wouldn't be good if the beat and the rapping didn't match.

You first messed around with your computer, making the music for the song before writing the lyrics. You were livid that Soo Jin had stolen your work, and so you poured your frustrations out onto the paper. Rap wasn't your forte, but Ji Woo nodded along, silently making corrections wherever she could so that the rap would match the beat.

Jae Hwa joined the two of you a few hours later. She read the lyrics, nodding her appreciation. She and Ji Woo then rapped the lyrics to the beat. Jae Hwa made her own slight improvisations in the pauses and speed, making notes on the lyrics as she did so. She and Ji Woo continued practicing late into the night until Jae Hwa was satisfied that it would come out well. Jae Hwa took her leave and Ji Woo collapsed on the bed.

You tore the lyrics out of your notebook and hid them away in a locked drawer. You couldn't take your chances after the amount of work you had put into writing the lyrics. You shut your computer and sighed. The instructors hadn't said rap wasn't allowed, but you were still afraid that something would go wrong. You wandered out of your room to calm your nerves.


You glanced at your watch. It was 1 AM and you couldn't sleep. You were still incredibly nervous about the recording tomorrow, and you had no idea how to calm yourself. Something told you that you wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

You thought of dancing to kill time. You made your way down to the dance studios. To your surprise, one of the rooms seemed to be occupied.

'Who would be dancing this late?'

You peered in to see BTS's dance line - J-Hope, Jimin and Jungkook hard at practice. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw who was manning the sound system.

The company heart-throb, V.

Miyoung had all kind of gossip for you about V, the idol with a face that belonged in an anime. You couldn't describe it better. His features were so perfect, so beautiful that you had a hard time believing that he was actually real. But there he was, standing just a small distance away from you. 

Apart from his looks, you admired his deep, soulful voice. And his uncanny but adorable enthusiasm for rap. He was incredibly lovable, and there was not a single person in the whole building who didn't have a soft spot for him.

Right as you were about to back away and find another room somewhere else, V caught your eye. He said something you couldn't hear, and all three dancers stopped in their tracks and turned around to look at you, the music stopping.


Double update again :D

So the interesting part is finally approaching, and I'm really excited. I really hope you guys like it so far :))

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