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After a whole week stacked with back-to-back variety show schedules, your group finally got into preparing for the comeback. Your schedules were filled with choreography practice and vocal practice, with hardly enough time for you to breathe.

In all the chaos, Soo Jin, despite her apology, started slowly criticizing you for everything again. Whenever Ji Woo argued back in support of you, Soo Jin would turn on her, reducing Ji Woo to a sobbing mess. You put it down to being the stress of a comeback, but the resentment in your heart grew by the day.

Why couldn't Soo Jin just be nice?

During the whole comeback practice, you still managed to spend time with Hoseok, with Eunji giving you company as well. Being your back up dancer, she had much more time on your hands than you did, and would occasionally even play the part of a manager, fetching drinks, ordering food, and whatever other things you or a group member needed.

You sighed tiredly, a call from Hoseok snapping you out of your thoughts. You answered, stifling a yawn. You winced as an impossibly energetic voice blasted in your ear.

"Y/N-ah! Eunji-ssi and I are waiting for you, come fast!"

You, Hoseok and Eunji had made it a habit of meeting up at any one of the dance studios after Hoseok's and your practice was finished. Once you were all there, you'd stroll around the building, talking to your hearts content about whatever you wished.

You sighed and assured Hoseok that you were coming before cutting the call and slowly trudging out your room. You were incredibly tired, more so than other days. Your comeback was approaching, and your dance instructor had taken it as reason to push you and Seo Yoon harder during practice, reasoning that you both had to be absolutely stunning on stage as you danced to live up to your titles as the dancers of the group.

However, it had left your body feeling incredibly sore and it hurt to move. You badly wanted to turn back and just burrow yourself into your sheets, but you also knew Hoseok would continue calling you until you came.

You stepped out of the elevator and made a beeline towards the only practice room that was in use. You stepped in to see Hoseok and Eunji staring at each other extremely awkwardly. You frowned.

"Is everything okay?"

At the sound of your voice, both heads snapped towards you, Eunji's face reddening. You didn't understand at all. What was going on? Before you could ask again, Hoseok flashed you an easy, relaxed smile, erasing all traces of his previous awkwardness.

"The silence was just getting weird. Y/N-ah, seriously, what took you so long?"

Your gaze flitted from Hoseok to Eunji, trying to figure out what was happening. You were sure you'd hear about it from Eunji later, but the curiosity was killing you. Eunji smiled, but didn't quite manage to make it look as natural and easy as Hoseok. She let out a stammering laugh.

"Yeah... we don't really have much to talk about when you're not here. But actually, I think I'll go to my room now. I.. don't really feel that great."

She pressed a hand to her forehead.

"I might be coming down with something. I should rest. You both can hang out, though, don't mind me."

Without waiting for a reply, she hurried past you and out the door, disappearing in almost an instant. You turned to Hoseok with a bewildered expression.

"Alright, what's going on?"

Hoseok shrugged.

"You heard her. She said she was sick."

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