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Your eyes widen as a familiar figure steps into your practice room.


She flipped her raven hair, smiling.

"The one and only."

You grinned and enveloped her in a hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you hear? Big Hit hired me and a few of our classmates to be your back-up dancers."

You grinned widely. You couldn't believe that your best friend would be working with you too. It had been a really long time since you had seen her, but the two of you hadn't failed to keep in touch via phone. You'd often wander the hallways late at night, talking to her about everything that was going on.

You introduced her to the rest of your group members. Ji Woo especially was excited to meet her.

"Eunji-unnie! Y/N unnie never shuts up about you, you know! I'm so happy to meet you!"

Eunji laughed.

"Y/N never shuts up about you either. She keeps sending me clips of you rapping, and my gosh, you're amazing."

You watched happily as Ji Woo and Eunji giggled together. You were especially excited today, and not just because your best friend had shown up to practice. You were a few months away from your debut, and your songs were all completed and produced. All that was left was practicing your performances for each song. Your debut album consisted of 5 songs. As a group, you'd be performing 3 songs. The outro wouldn't be performed on stage at all, and the intro was Soo Jin's solo performance.

You were finally getting to learn the choreographies to your songs. Your dance practices with J-Hope were put on hold after he had fainted the other night, and Jungkook took his place for a few weeks. However, a week ago, your practices with BTS were completely halted, owing to their need to prepare for their own comeback, set to happen in late November. They were busy promoting their album, The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, pt. 2. However, the maknae line, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook still managed to squeeze in some time to spend with you and your group. You grew close to all three boys, finding yourself trusting in them more and more.

You snapped out of your thoughts as the choreographer walked in. Immediately, all the chatter in the room ceased, and you and your group members eagerly waited to begin. The choreographer immediately began laying down tape to mark your positions, explaining how your positions would change.

"To start with, for the first day, we're mostly going to be going through all the formations and how you're going to be making use of the space you have. After you're comfortable with the various formations and when and how you'll be getting there, we'll start with the actual choreography. I'll be teaching you all one by one unless the move is the same for all of you. Understood?"

You all nodded eagerly. The choreographer smiled.

"Alright, then. Let's get started."


Jimin scoffed.

"No way, Ji Woo-ya. There's no way I have a crush on Jungkookie."

Ji Woo raised an eyebrow.

"You and Taehyung-oppa always follow Jungkookie-oppa around with puppy eyes."

"Because he's small and cute. Not because we have a crush on him."

Taehyung blinked.

"Though, if Jungkookie was a girl, I'd probably date him."

Jungkook grinned at Taehyung.

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