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The day to finally show each other your collaborations came quicker than you expected. You and Taehyung had just finished your song the night before, with you pulling an all-nighter to make finishing touches. You had even spent some time making a supporting vocals track for your performance today. You were a little annoyed, since Taehyung hadn't contributed much apart from a verse or two, and of course recorded his parts. However, you were satisfied with the way everything had come out. It was a simple love song, but you had to admit that the verses that Taehyung had added to the song deepened its meaning. Instead of the generic love song that it was when you wrote it, with the addition of Taehyung's verses, it turned into more of a jealous, angsty love song; the kind of song BTS excelled in making.

But what you were nervous for was your dance with Hoseok. You still hadn't spoken to him about how you felt, but the two of you had seemed to reach an unspoken agreement about your feelings for each other. Your dance had improved greatly since then and you were certain that you had gotten the mood of the song right. But you were still worried that you'd be scorned for it or made fun of for it. You knew that a lot of people would be unhappy about it. You were afraid of Big Hit reacting negatively to it, and you were afraid of the consequences.

Namjoon had decided to hold it in a dance studio since the stage in the building was only supposed to be used for official things. And so, everyone had gathered in the largest dance studio your building had to offer, and took your seats in the foldable metal chairs that had been set out.

Soo Jin and Namjoon went first. The pair performed a cover of 'Too Good' by Drake and Rihanna. Soo Jin absolutely loved Rihanna and you often heard her tracks blasting through the thin adjoined wall of your rooms. The song had been a smash hit, and you found it as no surprise that Soo Jin had wanted to perform it. You were painfully aware of a camera man in the room, recording each performance.

Jin and Jae Hwa stepped up next, clearly taking a comedic approach to the collaboration. They battled back and forth with dad jokes, a competition on who would laugh first at the other's joke. However, nobody could understand who was laughing at what, since Jin started laughing from the start of one joke until the start of another, where the cycle would repeat again. If Jae Hwa laughed, it was inaudible over the sound of Jin's laughter. The pair finally stopped after Yoongi threw his slipper at Jin.

Yoongi and Ji Woo went next, rapping a song that Ji Woo had written. Her long days at the desk had paid well; both rappers pulled the song off without a single missed syllable. The beat was catchy and you saw Jimin moving to the beat in his seat. Taehyung, who absolutely loved raps, cheered loudly, at which Yoongi had picked up his second slipper to throw. Taehyung vanished long before Yoongi had straightened with the slipper in his hand.

You laughed to yourself, trying to calm your nerves as Yoongi and Ji Woo finished. Hoseok squeezed your hand reassuringly, a steady smile on his face. You weren't completely reassured, but you felt yourself calmed down slightly and you took your position. The music started and you moved just as you did nearly a hundred times before. Hoseok's hands held you firmly whenever necessary, and the choreography earned quite a few suggestive hoots from the boys and Ji Woo. 

As the first song came to an end, you prepared yourself for the more intense choreography of the song. You slid into the ending position of the first choreography and immediately jumped up at the first beat of the next song. All the flowing and waves of the first song were gone, replaced by angles and precise movements. You loved the duality of the songs you had chosen. You liked powerful dances and flowy performances, and combined, you couldn't be happier. The second choreography was brief; a minute at tops. As it ended, you took a deep bow, a wide smile spreading across your face.

Ji Woo proceeded to half strangle you, declaring her pride for you and your dancing talent. You thanked her shyly and as you made your way back to your seat, Jimin ruffled your hair in congratulations and Jungkook grinned at you from his seat. You sat next to Taehyung since you'd have to perform with him next. Taehyung smiled at you warmly, whispering his appreciation as Jimin and Seo Yoon got ready for their performance.

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