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There wasn't a single day you didn't go to bed without feeling drained. Every morning, you woke up with a different muscle cramp. After that one night, you hadn't seen J-Hope again, but all you could think about was wanting a break. You had progressed from training dance and vocals separately to doing both together and it took up an incredible amount of energy. You were desperately waiting for some sort of break.

You dragged yourself out of your bed. Jiyeon had asked everyone to meet in one of the conference rooms. A little more than a year had passed since you joined as a trainee, and it was finally time to start filming things for promotions. You slowly got ready, not really in the mood to sit through a whole meeting.

When you reached the conference room, everyone had already arrived except Jiyeon. You took your seat next to Ji Woo, who was as active as ever. As soon as you sat down, she grinned at you.

"We're going to be told who the leader is. They're going to confirm the visuals and the face of the group. And then apparently we're going to be told the plans for the promos. Mi-ya told me."

You pulled your face into what you hoped was a smile.

"I hope our promos fit in a vacation somewhere. I've been worked to death."

Just as Ji Woo opened her mouth to reply, Jiyeon briskly walked into the conference room, pulling the door shut behind her.

"Alright. We're starting promotions. And since you've all worked so hard, we decided that the first one would be a reality show of you guys on vacation. Your schedules will mostly be made by us, but we're not making any scripts. You guys can do whatever you want. Remember, though, that you'll be filmed almost all day long. Try to be yourselves but don't embarrass yourselves. Your vacation lasts 2 months. After the 2 month vacation, we'll be spending time editing and producing the videos. It'll be anywhere from 10 to 30 episodes long depending on the content we have. After that, you'll be doing your classes for writing and producing music. Once you're done with that, we'll start working on your debut album. Once we decide on a concept, we'll be doing your concept photo shoots and we'll shoot introduction trailers for each member. You'll then be writing your songs, distributing lines, recording, producing the music, making music videos, and then start practicing for your debut. This will all take a little longer than 10 months. In any gaps, Y/N and Seo Yoon will be shooting more of their dance promos. Your debut date is set for December 15."

She pulled five files out of her bag, handing one out to each of your group members.

"These files contain a daily schedule for each of you from tomorrow until debut. This includes the details of your vacation. If there's anything extra you would like to do while on vacation, let us know and we'll fit it into one of the free days. Your vacation starts in a week, so until then, finish off any training you need to do. You'll also be making a twitter account that all of you can post what you want to post. You can promote from any other personal accounts you have, but you aren't allowed to chat with anyone that you don't personally know. You may reply to tweets or comments, but that's about it. Do you have any questions?"

Soo Jin spoke up.

"Jiyeon-ssi, when will we told about the leader, the visuals and the face? And when do we get to train with idols?"

Jiyeon nodded.

"I was just going to get to that. We've carefully thought about the leader, and though Ji Woo has trained longest, we think that Soo Jin, our next longest trainee should be leader. Ji Woo will be the face of the group. Visuals are Soo Jin and Jae Hwa. As for when you'll be meeting idols, it'll be during your practice period for you debut. Whoever is chosen to write and produce music will meet with them a lot sooner. Anything else?"

The room was silent. Jiyeon nodded sharply. Gathering her things, she left. You clutched Ji Woo's arm.

"Did she say 2 month vacation?"

Ji Woo nodded excitedly.

"You're getting the vacation you wanted!!"

You glanced around the room at the other girls, catching Soo Jin's smug, gloating expression. Your heart sank slightly.

"Yeah but Soo Jin's going to make my life miserable."

Ji Woo looked at you questioningly. You sighed.

"She's the leader."


:D Guess who's being regular with updates?

I just hope I continue being regular with it. This is my second double update. Well anyway, they're about to meet new people, they're about to debut, they're about to do a lot of fun stuff, so I'm excited!!

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