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The day of your wedding had finally come. You sat in the dressing room, all decked out in white, your old makeup artist from Big Hit dabbing away at your face. Your hairstylist from back then was there too, pulling your hair up into a delicate style. You had specifically asked for them, wanting to once again feel like an idol getting ready for a performance. In fact, you felt like how you did on the day of your debut.

You had the hair pin Hoseok had given you back then, and you handed it to your hairstylist, whose eyes lit up in recognition. She happily wove it into your hair style, adding just the prettiest touch of shine to your hair.

Your wedding dress was everything you had ever wanted. The whole wedding was everything you had ever wanted. You spent almost a year planning it, and you were finally excited to see it happening before your eyes, without a hitch.

Next to you were your bridesmaids, Ji Woo, Seo Yoon, Soo Jin and a few of your co-workers from SM. You would've asked Jae Hwa if she wasn't currently away filming a drama in Japan. The groomsmen were the other BTS boys, of course. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook had fought a lot about who would be the best man before Hoseok declared all of them the best men. You weren't sure if that was allowed, but it made them happy so you went along with it.

Your bridesmaids left one by one, partnered with their respective groomsmen. You just knew each of them was squealing to be walking arm in arm with one of the boys.

Then, your father poked his head through the doorway.

"Y/N-ah, it's time."

You got up, wobbling on your heels. It's not that you weren't used to them. Heck, you were used to wearing taller ones while dancing. But the wedding-day nerves made you wobbly in the knees. Your father gripped your elbow firmly, giving you the support you needed.

You both slowly walked towards the doors, which were opened at your arrival. You made your way down the aisle, unable to take your eyes off your soon to be husband. Hoseok's smile blazed brightly even from across the room, and you felt calm. You knew what you were doing. You were marrying the love of your life.

Your father left you at the aisle, placing your hand in Hoseok's and took his place in the front row next to your mother.

As you and Hoseok turned towards each other, hand in hand, the priest began the ceremony. After what seemed like ages, the priest made you exchange rings and finally spoke the words you had been waiting for.

"Jung Hoseok-ssi, do you take L/N F/N-ssi as your lawful wife?"

Hoseok smiled at you.

"I do."

"F/N L/N-ssi do you take Jung Hoseok as your lawful husband?"

You nodded.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Hoseok pulled you closer, one hand moving to your waist, the other still holding your hand. He dipped his head down, his lips landing on yours. This was it. You were finally, happily married.



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