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Soft. That's the only way you could describe Hoseok's lips. You literally had no other words. And soft was the only word that ran through your mind when you kissed him. Your heart soared when his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

And then, Ji Woo cleared her throat. Both of you broke apart, your faces red. But Hoseok's hands still rested on the curves of your waist, holding you close. Ji Woo rolled her eyes and stood up.

"I'd say get a room, but you guys aren't ballsy enough to do it. I have to go work with Jungkook on our collab for a while, so I'll leave you guys to it."

Ji Woo winked at you before skipping out of the room. You smiled nervously at Hoseok, who cleared his throat and looked away.

"Do you want to try again, from the start?"

Your eyes widened.

"The kiss?"

Hoseok's face flushed with color as he shook his head.

"No, I meant the choreography, but..."

He trailed off, looking at you briefly before practically running over to the speakers. You reddened, embarrassed.


He turned to look at you, eyebrows raised. You swallowed nervously.

"I'm not sure exactly why I'm saying this now, but I know you like me."

You saw the color drain from his face.

"How do you know that?"

"Eunji told me."

Hoseok frowned.


"You know, my best friend from college, she was a background dancer before she got kicked out for tampering with our mics during a performance."

Hoseok slowly nodded, recognition flooding his expression.

"Ohh, her. That was long ago. I do vaguely remember telling her that I like you."

You nodded, an air of awkwardness enveloping the two of you. You knew you couldn't just leave it at that without telling him how you felt about the whole situation, but you were confused. You had started liking Taehyung again a while back, and you knew that you were getting over him again. But you weren't sure if you were actually getting over him or just rebounding with Hoseok. But you also knew that you wouldn't have been able to kiss Hoseok if you didn't like him.

You could feel Hoseok's gaze on you. You looked up at him, afraid that he would be angry upset at your lack of response. But instead, you were met with a look of understanding and kindness. You smiled at him. This is what you liked about him best. He was always understanding of how you felt in any situation.

"I'm confused, oppa. I don't know how I feel, exactly. I don't want to lead you on only to disappoint you. Give me a few days to think and I'll tell you how I feel."

Hoseok laughed.

"Y/N-ah, I don't care how long you take. I don't even care if you don't tell me how you feel. I didn't start liking you expecting you to return my feelings, and I won't be mad at you if you don't."

You smiled at Hoseok gratefully. Hoseok turned the music on and sprinted towards you, smoothly moving into position and flowing smoothly into the choreography.

"Let's just focus on this for now, hm?"


Jimin spit his water out onto a now annoyed Hoseok.

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