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"It sounds like you're trying to get over someone right now."

Panic flickered in Hoseok's eyes. He quickly looked away from you, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"I-I'm not."

You raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're avoiding my gaze, you're blushing and you're stuttering. I don't believe you."

He sighed and hung his head in his hands.

"I like someone. I'm not trying to get over her, but I'm not trying to... encourage it either."

Your eyes brightened and you peered at him, prying his hands away from his face.

"Who is it? Who's the lucky girl?"

Hoseok peeked at you from between his fingers, his eyebrows raised.

"You think she's lucky?"

You nodded.

"You're sweet, you're supportive, you're always there when someone needs you and you're capable of loving her this much."

You waved the lyrics in his face.

"So, yes. I think she's lucky. Now, who is it?"

Hoseok grinned at you.

"I'm not telling you."

Snatching the lyrics from your hands, he scurried away quickly, laughing as you pursued him, yelling at him to come back.


You sat down at your desk, twirling your pen in your fingers. BTS had already started preparing for their comeback, and you'd just gotten a message from Jiyeon to start working on new lyrics for your very first comeback.

For your debut, you'd come out with a melancholic, heartbroken theme, which was the most popular theme recently. However, this time, you wanted to try a more upbeat theme. You were also expected to come out with more songs this time around.

As you sat at your desk, mulling over what to write about, Ji Woo entered, smiling broadly. You glanced at her, your eyebrows raised questioningly.

She practically pranced over to your desk, her expression overjoyed.

"Unnie, you'll never believe this. I just heard from Jungkookie-oppa that our managers are finally planning on getting us on variety shows. Like Weekly Idol! I can't wait to go on Weekly Idol!"

You laughed at her excitement.

"Yeah, it would be really cool, wouldn't it?"

Ji Woo nodded excitedly. She glanced over at your desk.

"Unnie, what're you working on?"

"Lyrics for a comeback."

Ji Woo's eyes widened.

"Oooo, a comeback! There's so much excitement today!"

"Ya, stop being excited and help me think of  theme."


You laughed as Yoongi gave Namjoon the stink eye. Yoongi had spent a few days locked up in his studio testing out music rhythms for an upcoming song. Namjoon, eager to hear how it came out, had fiddled with Yoongi's computer, but ended up deleting the draft altogether.

And just like that, days of hard work had gone down the drain. Namjoon had a horrible reputation of breaking almost everything he touched, no matter how sturdy it was. He once managed to hit himself in the face with a mic while performing "by accident", making the rest of the members fear for their own safety when in his vicinity.

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