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A few years had passed by since you and Hoseok had started dating. They were returning from a world tour, of which you couldn't be happier about. They had really made it globally, their popularity rising more and more as the days went by.

Half-way through the tour, however, Hoseok had called you and told you that he needed to talk to you about something as soon as he returned, and you simply couldn't wait to know what it was.

Taehyung had been dropping hints that he knew what it was, but had stayed totally tight-lipped about it, no matter how much you bothered him, asking him to give you clues as to what it was.

They had just landed; you confirmed it from a text that Jimin had sent you, but for the time being, you were stuck in the SM building, training your trainees as usual. You had been promoted to more than just a trainer; you now choreographed for SM's girl groups. Ji Woo had just debuted with her group a few months back, of which you couldn't be more proud of. They were really hitting it big, with a humongous fanbase from the very start.

You let the trainees take a quick water break so that you could text Jimin back.

Jiminie: We're back hooooome :D

You: I'm stuck at work D: 

I promise I'll come visit you guys as soon as I'm done here, though!

Jiminie: Ah, don't worry about it! We're all really tired anyway, we'll use the time to rest :)

Heard Hobi-hyung has something important to tell you, though :P

You: Yeah, but he won't tell me what T-T

Do you know what it is?

Jiminie: Ah, Y/N-ah, you know I can't tell you :(

Hyung will literally kill me

But you'll know soon enough :)

You: I know, I can't wait!


Is it something bad?

Jiminie: My lips are sealed, so you didn't hear this from me, but

No, it's not bad.

Don't worry :)))

You sighed in relief, pocketing your phone before turning to Ji Woo's group and clapping to get their attention.

"Okay, you guys, gather 'round."

The girls reluctantly set their water bottles down, trudging over to where you were standing. You could very well imagine their exhaustion, but it couldn't be helped. It was your job to make them practice hard every day.

"We're gonna pause practice for a bit and do something a little different. I'm gonna record you guys do the choreo one time, and then call you up individually and tell you where to perfect yourselves. Just blindly doing choreo over and over again won't help anyone, you need to know where to fix yourselves. Your aim is to grow as performers for each comeback, so that's what we're going to be doing. Got it?"

The girls seemed to be relieved that they wouldn't have to dance for much longer, and nodded enthusiastically. They took their positions. They were a massive group of 9 and were quite hard to handle, but they were good at understanding your instructions, making your job easier.

Since you didn't have a camera, you used your phone instead to record. You signalled to your assistant (yes, assistant, you were important now!) who started the music. The girls ran through the choreo, with you recording.

Afterwards, you called them up one-by-one, replaying the video for them, pointing out any sloppy moves, any bad timing, etc. that you noticed. You also pointed out what kind of facials they needed to have at different parts of the choreography.

The day passed quickly, and soon you were packing up to head home. Except, you weren't going home. You were going to BTS's house to demand that Hoseok tell you about what he had been keeping you in suspense for weeks.

You arrived at their house before the sun fully set, barely knocking on their door before an enthusiastic Tae flung it open. He gave you that charming boxy smile that he always did and enveloped you in a big hug.

"Y/N! It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!"

You grinned up at him, poking his cheeks.

"I see you're taking care of yourself and not crash dieting like before, huh?"

Tae nodded happily, squishing his own cheeks.

"They're so squishy, it's so fun."

You grinned at him, stepping inside the house. Inside, Bangtan was lounging all over the downstairs portion of their house, clearly exhausted from the journey. Take out boxes littered the floor and trash; it was obvious that they'd been too lazy to cook anything today.

Yoongi cracked one eye open at your arrival and grunted in greeting. Namjoon waved from his position on the couch. Jin offered you a chip, smiling. Jimin gave you his signature eye smile, and actually made an effort to get up. He eventually gave up and collapsed back onto the couch. Jungkook hopped up and gave you a bone-crushing hug. How he had so much strength after literally travelling the world, you had no idea.

You looked around for Hoseok, but he was nowhere in sight. Jimin caught your searching glance and grinned at you, knowing exactly who you were looking for.

"He's in his room, upstairs."

You nodded at Jimin gratefully and made your way upstairs, leaving your purse and coat on the hanger near the door.

You were soon outside Hoseok's door, and you could see that the lights were on from the crack between the door and the floor. You knocked lightly, announcing your presence before opening the door and stepping in.

The entire room had been decorated with your favorite flower (A/N: Imma let you pick your own flowers here). There was an oil diffuser in the corner of the room, letting out a calming lavender scent. Hoseok was perched on the bed, and though his face looked tired, his bright smile shone through.

You looked around at the room, bewildered.

"Wh-what's going on?"

Hoseok gestured for you to come sit down on the bed, and you complied. He then knelt on the floor in front of you.

"Y/N-ah, we've been together for a few years now, and we've known each other for many more. I'm lucky to be with such a caring, understanding and hardworking person, and I appreciate you staying with me all this time. Will you do my the honor of marrying me?"

With tears in your eyes, you replied.


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